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I wonder, if they got these 'insane rats' from a James Herbert story.
Didn't Insane Rats open for the Ramones once?
I imagine this..

Dad: "Actually, Sir, to be perfectly honest, we don't really need any insurance, we're just here to see the rats. Can we still see the rats if we don't....? You know, are they... are the rats erm, strictly, you know, like... pay to play? Because we drove here all the way from Reno, and it'd be a real downer if we'd made the whole trip for nuthin, the kids are waiting in the car, and they're real excited....

Owner: beg your pardon?

Dad: We kinda came for the r..
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (12 Monate her)
Owner: What on earth are you talking about, what Rats!
Dad: The ones that it says on the sign!

Owner steps outside, looks at the sign, head turns red and yells "MARJORIE!!!"

Marjorie steps outside, looking annoyed
Marjorie: I told you we're out of Es for the sign, and last week I wanted to order new letters and you said we're not wasting money on new letters use the ones we have, and

Dad: "Can we see the rats now?"


Marjorie: "Rats?! In the house? Eew
This is almost as funny as when we wrote that article about "homaj ratoj" that people misread as "homaj rajtoj."