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This little chap just flew into a window with quite a thump. His head was spinning for a bit and he was breathing hard but is now just sitting. Don’t want to stress him further by moving him. He’s perking up a little, turning his head so obviously not broken. He’s been there for quite a while though. Not sure what’s best.

Edit: he just flew off, yay!

Photo of a male bullfinch with his beautiful rusty red breast, grey back, black cap and white rump. He’s sitting on a gravelly track, looking a little dazed after flying into a window.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Wochen her)
I found a dehydrated lady blackbird in the garden in the summer. It's difficult to know when to intervene, eh? I put her on the bird bath but she was too weak to drink from it. Took about ten minutes of putting damp bread near her beak but she flew off eventually too 🥰
I'm always amazed that birds can fly (WOW! YAY!) yet still have a very, very hard life. Predators and obstacles abound.