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If voting for #KamalaHarris makes you feel nice because it lets you pretend youre stopping #fascism... protecting women... minorities or helping... #Gaza or whatever...

If voting... Donald #Trump makes you feel nice because it lets you pretend youre sticking it to the establishment or punishing the #Democrats... or...

This whole spectacle is exclusively about feelings.

Vote However You Feel; This Whole Show Is About Feelings Anyway –#CaitlinJohnstone
https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/11/02/vote-however-you-feel-this-whole-show-is-about-feelings-anyway/ #IdentityPolitics
no voting for Kamala gives me hope that we can do something about our current SCOTUS, which is why I voted for Hillary because I fucking KNEW what would happen to the court system under Trump.
Quite a few years ago the wapo did a study regarding the long term of rulings by the just-US-es compared to the politics of the appointing president @CatDragon You should look it up sometime.
That makes no sense.
In order for harris to lose, trump has to win.
(Since obviously ppl arent jumping on the bandwagon & voting 3rd party)
You would not want to reward someone for lying and gaslighting the public for one full year in order to facilitate a genocide. Then adding insult to injury, she decides to say FUCK YOU to anyone with a conscience.
So again, harris has to lose, and its not my problem trump is the default opposition winner.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Monate her)
Panem et circenses.

The circus left town but the #CLOWNS amd their #ClownCars stayed @KuteboiCoder 😂