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But But #TRUMP!🤡
(Unfortunately there is no known cure for #TrumpDerangementSyndrome. 🤣)

2020: "Joe #Biden Has Advocated Cutting #SocialSecurity for 40 Years.

Ps. #DonaldTrump is a #SockPuppet for a #Duopoly . Got that? #Plutocrats PWN ur 'government'.
Joe Biden's record of working to cut Social Security

1983: Joe Biden floats the idea of raising the retirement age

1984: Joe Biden partners with Republicans to co-sponsor a freeze on Social Security

1995: Joe Biden says he's tried four times to freeze Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans' benefits

1995: Joe Biden votes for Balanced Budget Amendments that cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans' benefits

1996: Joe Biden floats the idea of chained CPI cuts to Social Security

1997: Joe Biden votes AGAIN for Balanced Budget Amendments that cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans' benefits

2007: Joe Biden brags that he's proud of his support for a Social Security age increase

2007: Joe Biden proposes a Social Security plan that is open to raising the retirement age

2007: Joe Biden tells NBC's Meet the Press that cuts to Social Security & Medicare should "absolutely" be on the table

2018: Joe Biden says Social Security & Medicare "still need adjustments"