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"Last week, the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the FCC, rejecting its authority to classify broadband as a Title II “telecommunications service.” In doing so, the court removed net neutrality protections for all Americans and took away the FCC’s ability to meaningfully regulate internet service providers.

This ruling fundamentally gets wrong the reality of internet service we all live with every day. Nearly 80% of Americans view broadband access to be as important as water and electricity. It is no longer an extra, non-necessary “information service,” as it was seen 40 years ago, but it is a vital medium of communication in everyday life. Business, health services, education, entertainment, our social lives, and more have increasingly moved online. By ruling that broadband “information service” and not a “telecommunications service” this court is saying that the ISPs that control your broadband access will continue to face little to no oversight for their actions.

This is intolerable."


#USA #NetNeutrality #FCC #DigitalDivide #BigTelco