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Via Scott MacFarlane:

Though the Justice Dept has deleted information about its #Jan6 prosecutions from its website, a federal judge has issued an order listing and chronicling all of the cases and prison terms

Here: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.231933/gov.uscourts.dcd.231933.176.0_1.pdf
They are rewriting history before our very eyes!

Thank goodness these records documenting the criminality that took place during the January 6 insurrection to unlawfully keep trump in power are (for now) preserved in a place the DoJ can’t reach.

Waiting for the next overreaching “Executive Order” to drop. The higher courts must stand up to this tyranny of the executive. If not, they will relinquish their authority and hasten their own demise.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
I would love nothing more than to see THIS SCOTUS nail Trump.
Nail him? They often looooove him!
Scotus might deny trump, but after the immunity ruling I just don’t trust them to do so.
I could be wrong but sadly I think a majority of this scotus loves the smell of money more than maintaining their authority to rein in chaos. #fafo
I think you missed my point. BECAUSE we know they love him, I’d love to see THEM be the ones who nail him.

I never once suggested they would.