Beiträge, die mit DogsOfMastodon getaggt sind
Had a lot of fun features, including a tunnel that dogs could run through.
After some initial uncertainty, Bubbles was racing through it like a champ.
#DogsOfMastodon #FediDogs
Bonjour, tu parles français ?
#photography #fotografie #doggydienstag #dogsoffediverse #dogsofmastodon #EpagneulBreton
#Mondog #DogsOfMastodon
We have had a glorious few days in the Borders and today has started off just as well. 12.5k road and tracks, followed by a swim (for the dug) - it’s ether that or the hose before my partner will let him back into the cottage, and he prefers the swim.
#running #ScottishBorders #BorderCollie #DogsOfMastodon
#DogsWithJobs #DogsOfFediverse #DogsOfMastodon
Foto: KaBo Photography & Art, aufgenommen bei Camp Canis Summer Special im Hoope Park 2024
Model: Ylvi und ich
Every time I'm involved in event communication at work, I get the urge to get to the starting line again myself. Then I drift off and browse through my private photos of the dog events. I can do procrastination. :D I'm still unsure whether I want to show my face here in Fediverse. That's why I'm continuing to make myself unrecognisable for now, even if it looks creepy and sometimes it's a shame because of the facial expressions. It's not just Ylvi who can do funny faces.
Photo: KaBo Photography & Art, taken at Camp Canis Summer Special in Hoope Park 2024
Model: Ylvi and me
#dogs #dogsofpixelfed #dogsofmastodon #ocr #hindernislauf #canicross #sports #running #sup #balance #matschparty #schlammschlacht #europeansleddog #sleddogs #sleddogsports
Der Tag mag seinen langen Schatten vorauswerfen, aber die Collies passen auf uns auf und behüten uns!
(Ist ja als Hütehund auch ihr Job😆)
#dogs #dogsofmastodon
Aber diese Frage quält mich schon lange:
Müssen Haschischhunde eigentlich umgeschult werden? 🤔 #eduard #dogsofmastodon
Am Flughafen Stuttgart erschnüffelte er 5,3 kg Cannabis im Handgepäck eines Reisenden aus Barcelona.
🚫 Der Mann wurde festgenommen – die Drogen sichergestellt.
👮 Weitere Ermittlungen durch das Zollfahndungsamt Stuttgart.
#DogsOfFediverse #DogsOfMastodon #DogsWithJobs
HZA-S: 5,3 Kilogramm Marihuana erschnüffelt / Stuttgarter Zoll stoppt Drogenschmuggel aus Barcelona
Stuttgart (ots) - Bereits Anfang März deckte ein Rauschgiftspürhund des Hauptzollamts Stuttgart am Stuttgarter Flughafen einen Drogenschmuggel mit 5,3 Kilogramm Marihuana bei...Hauptzollamt Stuttgart (
We are getting things done.
Linens are all washed and rooms aired out while the sunshine holds.
Lunch was served.
I told Summer that if we hurried through our chores we could plant some dahlias.
So we got our move on.
We unloaded the bags of soil before I sent Summer to fetch the new dahlia tubers.
Right when we were ready to dig into the dirt, here came the rain, to chase us back inside. Poor Summer had to drag her dahlia tubers, back to the garage, so we can try again another day. The disappointment was real.
Summer is my all time favorite gardening buddy.
#Summer #DogsOfMastodon
Wickett, my parents’ affenpinscher, named after the main Ewok in Return of the Jedi (but misspelled). #dogsofmastodon #dogs
Yesterday, was a lot, with the contractor's crew working long after dark to secure the house before the storm arrived. By the time they cleared out we were all exhausted. I wasn't expecting to be working construction, but when the job doubled in size, it was all hands on deck.
I took the morning off to rest but Summer needed to get out and run.
I figured I could handle a quick walk at the beach.
The fresh but crisp air was good for both of us.
#Summer #DogsOfMastodon
For extra fun, this pic is 24 years old. Pup was the 5x- and 6x-great grandfather of the dogs in my profile pic. Brilliant soul who made a profound impact in the service dog and guide dog communities.
#GermanShepherds #DogsOfMastodon #WritingCommunity
Foto: Anke (eine gute Freundin, noch nicht hier)
Model: Bounty, Border-Collie-Mix, 14 Jahre
Introduction round! Bounty, my 14 year old mixed breed dog, is also #newhere with me. She was my first dog and taught me patience. Now that she's getting on in years, she's doing it again. How slow can you go for a walk? How long can you smell one spot? Bounty says: Yes! :D But I'm grateful that she's still here. She had her spleen removed a few weeks ago. It was a huge hematoma, almost as big as a soccer ball and weighing 3 kg. It could have burst at any time. Fortunately, we noticed it in time. So now we're enjoying the time we have left. And make it to 15 this year.
Pic:📸 Anke (a good friend, not here yet)
Model: Bounty, border collie mix, 14 years old
#dogs #dogsofpixelfed #canicross #bikejoring #dogscooter #zughundesportverbindet #dogsofmastodon #sleddog #sleddogs #sleddogsportsunites #photography
Ich hoffe, ihr habt es schön warm zum Abend!
#dogsofmastodon #landscape #photography
Hallo, Mastodon!
#neuhier #introduction
Einfahrtidylle im Spätwinter, kurz vor Sonnenuntergang.
#photography #DogsOfFediverse #DogsOfMastodon
🎞️ Ilford HP plus
📷 Canon EOS 3
‘However, the cause of his undoing was nothing as trivial as democratic principles; it illustrates a far more profound question that, sooner or later, we all confront: are you a cat or a dog person?’
No it doesn’t. Another columnist with a word count to fulfil.
#CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #Nonsense
#IKnowItsABear #dog #dogs #dogstodon #animals #dogsofmastodon #humor #humour
#BorderCollie #DogsOfMastodon #Feet #Dancing #Silliness #Footsy