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Beiträge, die mit Nonsense getaggt sind

Haven't spent all afternoon trying to troll AI bots. Also found a new featherfolk in the garden.

#sillyScribbles #mosstodon #nonsense
A photo of a white fluffy feather lying on a moss covered stone wall. I have drawn eyes and some pointy teeth on it, but it looks silly rather than scary.

Currently ignoring the world by burying myself in last years photos and making up our 2024 photo book. Not looking for scribble-able photos (more your traditional photo album shots) but stumbled across this wee previously-unscribbled fungi and couldn't resist a quick diversion.

#sillyScribbles #fungi #nonsense
Photo of bracket fungi on an old tree stump. One pair looks like an open mouth, with a pale green tongue. I have added teeth and eyes.

A little moment of tickle joy in the hope it serves as a timeline cleanse for those that need it.

#sillyScribbles #photography #nonsense
A photo of a small fluffy white feather in a damp, green, mossy lawn. The focus is tight, so both the foreground and background is blurred. I have drawn a simple figure to its left, and it is reaching down to tickle the feather's tummy with a blade of grass. The feather has a happy chuckling face drawn on, upturned arms and feet, and little antennae.

Winter is waning
The featherfolk are flocking
Spring will be here soon

#sillyScribbles #photography #haiku #nonsense
A photo of a fluffy white feather caught in the dark green spiky leaves of a woodland shrub. It has a sweet smiling face drawn on, and arms that rest on one of the leaves.

Why a single choice? Frankly In most cases it is humans Who are the problem.

‘However, the cause of his undoing was nothing as trivial as democratic principles; it illustrates a far more profound question that, sooner or later, we all confront: are you a cat or a dog person?’

No it doesn’t. Another columnist with a word count to fulfil.


#CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #Nonsense

More things that live at the back of my desk drawer.

No prizes for working out what this is, I mean, everyone had one back in the day.

#sillyScribbles #retro #phone #nonsense
A photo of an old mobile phone against a white backdrop. It is on its back, base towards the camera, and the photo is taken low down with a very tight focus. The light was low so it's a little grainy. Googly eyes have been added over two sockets at the bottom, and the edge of the panel reads as a mouth. I've accentuated it very slightly and added a couple of upturned fangs. The body has little legs added, 4 aside.

It's Friday! Time for the dancers to do their thing - whoop whoop!

I am celebrating an unusually efficient day with an early dance, which is about to be followed by a couple of hours of adulting around the house & then NOTHING of sense all evening. Yay!

As ever, have a good weekend if you possibly can 😁

#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation #nonsense

oh, geil - auch mit Homeoffice und so? Ich mein, so eine bombenwerfende Drohne kann ich ja auch vom heimischen PC steuern.


An early Friday dancers as we still have power atm 😬 Big hugs as desired to everyone else also in the path of #stormEowyn & hope the disruption is minimal.

And to all, whether in the path of a storm or not, hope you have a good weekend if you possibly can.

The dancers are visiting the windiest place I've ever been outside of a storm. That headland - I've never walked so slowly in one direction & so fast in the other 🌬️ Take care all x

#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #Scotland #nonsense

Someone tooted, several hours ago, a lovely photo with a caption something like
The moon is waning.
Given my toot is pure silliness, i chose to not degrade their thread, but... my immediate transposition in my mind's eye was to wonder if therefore
Wayne is mooning.
As you were, nothing to see here, these are not the drones, etc.

#whimsy #nonsense #silliness #wordgames

This (or something along these lines) has been stuck in my head since reading all the rubbish about how the US businesses are pre-caving in to their new orange overlord and running away like the pathetic creatures they are from any semblance of decency. Needed to shake it out on to the screen to move on to something nicer.

#DEI #politics #nonsense
Two panel pop art style Lichtensteinesque comic strip (not particularly accomplished, this sort of thing is not a strong area for me). Left hand side is a close up a dotty face, a white man with brown hair looking slightly perturbed. There is a thought bubble leading to the man, reading "But what if people different to me are happy and successful too?!". The right hand panel shows an explosion in the bottom left, a huge bright yellow spiky DEI in the centre, and a man running away in the top right hand corner.

It's Friday - WOO! I have achieved absolutely NOTHING today, but fortunately had nothing I particularly needed to achieve so hooray (and phew) for that.

As ever, hope you have a lovely weekend if you possibly can.

#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation #nonsense

Had a bit of free time this morning so decided to play around a bit. Then I read the news. Then I played a bit more.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #nonsense #drawing #bukBukBawwwwk
A square framed illustration, a poor pastiche of a Lichtenstein style comic book pop-art; bold colours and dotty.  In the bottom left is an explosion, with rays bursting out from it. Bottom right is friend, a simple figure looking to the viewer. Centre frame is a drawing of Myfanwy, a teal and cream knitted chicken, with a speech bubble from her beak saying:


Myfanwy speaks for all of us. Thank you Myfanwy.

Went for a walk. Found an icy bubble pond. It was a good pond.

#sillyScribbles #nonsense
A photo of the surface of a dark icy pond, with small white ice bubbles clustered around one larger pear shaped white ice patch. It has a sweet smiling face drawn on, and arms resting on its belly.

A new era of lies: Mark Zuckerberg has just ushered in an extinction-level event for truth on social media

Not really. It has been there for many years, Musk got in first anyway.Let us face it, social media (whisper it Mastodon included) are only or should be only, a means of allowing people to talk, exchange (in my experience) dug and mountain photos with the odd joke. The mistake was in treatubg them as 'news'.


#Twatter #X #Farcebook #Jokes #News #Nonsense

Good evening.

Today I finished the first stage of an Important But Dull report AND finally realised that the photo of this leaf was the wrong way round, and that's why it wasn't looking right.

So there's that.

Everything else seems a bit grim. Running away to play a game and ignore that for the moment.

#sillyScribbles #photography #nonsense
A photo of a bright red-orange leaf with a yellow stripe diagonally across it. It is wedged into the branches of a heather plant with small dusky pink flowers and dark leaves, against a blurred dark green backdrop. I have drawn two eyes on the right hand side of the leaf, and curved the stem slightly underneath them to turn it into a smile. It looks a bit fishy (as in like a fish, rather than suspicious). A gold fish no less. The leaf really is a spectacularly bright one.

The first Friday of 2025. Time to stomp on the old year, ring in the new, and be there to support each other as needed. As ever, have a good weekend if you possibly can.

#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation #nonsense

- Yaay! It's Friday!
- What? Are you sure?
- Yep, I checked.
- Really?
- Yep. Checked a few times.
- Oh. OK. Yaay!

As ever have a good weekend if you possibly can 😁

With apologies for a bit of a half-hearted performance from some of the dancers here, obviously they didn't all get the "It's Friday" memo.

#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation #nonsense

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Six

Twinned with the Friday Sparkly Dancers for an end of week spectacular at the Christmas market. No prizes for spotting which one went out partying & missed the memo...

#sillyScribbles #xmasScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #MyfanwyAndFriend #animation #nonsense

Myfanwy Explored, Explained, Exploded (2024)

I wasn't sure about this given that I'd already done The Physical Impossibility of Wool in the Mind of a Knitted Chicken. It felt a bit derivative. Then I decided if Hirst can get away with it so can I.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #nonsense
A pastiche of Hirst's Myth Explored, Explained, Exploded (1993), which had a shark split into three containers. The three containers here contain a large knitted chicken against a white wall and plain green tinged wooden floor. A simple  drawn figure sits on a bench and contemplates the work.

Their lack of jointed limbs does limit their ability to do certain dance moves, but they'll give it a good old bendy bash 😁

As ever, have a good weekend if you possibly can.

#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation #nonsense

Emergency call out to knitters everywhere. It's getting cold, and we need to protect our mushie friends from the morning frost. To action!

#sillyScribbles #photography #fungi #knitting #nonsense
A photo of two light brown mushrooms growing in a mossy frosty lawn. They are both wearing knitted hats (the one on the left a white one with a bobble, the one on the right a blue and white stripey one). They both have faces drawn on and are smiling. Well, they would, wouldn't they? Someone has knitted them lovely hats!

In a moment this cloud is going to open their eyes & be really embarrassed about how late they've slept in.

#sillyScribbles #cloudCreatures #Scotland #nonsense
A photo of a partially wooded mountain. Nestled near the bottom, behind some evergreen trees, is a low single cloud. Above it the hillside becomes treeless, lit by a low autumn sun. There is a hint of grey sky above. The cloud has a yawning face drawn on, arm reaching up to cover their month, eyes still closed.

I am very lucky, & usually like my work, but today I have had to to THE MOST BORING bit of work EVER. I have just finished it, & to celebrate the Friday Dancers are showing their rebellious side.

As ever, have a good weekend if you possibly can

#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation #nonsense

Days of the week - an explanation via the medium of rocks

#sillyScribbles #rocks #nonsense
A photo of a pile of three rocks. The bottom one is quite flat, and has a grumpy face drawn on. It is labelled Monday. The middle is much larger, with a slightly smiling face drawn on. It is labelled Wednesday. The top one is much smaller, and has a very happy face drawn on. It is labelled Friday. All nonsense of course.

Thought I saw a cloud using a TV aerial as a microphone. I didn't obviously, but I took a photo anyway. It's been a long day.

#sillyScribbles #cloudCreatures #nonsense
A photo of a white fluffy cloud against a blue sky. The roof of a house sits as a silhouette along the bottom of the photo, with a TV aerial sticking directly up, with the aerial bit pointing left. I have drawn a face and arms on the cloud, so it's mouth is open by the end of the aerial, and it is holding on to it with both hands. Above I have scribbled "tra la la laaa" in slightly cloudy writing, because sometimes I feel like I need to provide some additional evidence of my cloud creatures, and this is probably pushing it quite a bit.

I don't know what they saw, but based on their hair it was SHOCKING one way or another

#sillyScribbles #photography #nonsense
A photo of a damp, small, fluffy white feather standing upright in a mess of grass. Most of the grass, both foreground and background, is blurred. The white feather is still fluffy on the bottom half, and there are small drops of water on the fluff. The top is flat and damper, and it is sticking up in points, like a punky hairdo. It has upturned armed and a shocked expression drawn on.

OK, that's the WIP folder sorted out. Had to save this one too, because it is either a ludicrously sweet & wholesome friendship, or it is a Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name, & either way I felt wrong deleting it.

#sillyScribbles #cute #nonsense
A photo of a small mushroom in a green lawn, with a tight focus so both the foreground and background grass is blurred. It has a sweet face drawn on its rounded cap and arms from its stem. A simple drawn figure stands next to it, looking at its big old face, and holding its hand. Dawwwwww.

I think I've mentioned before how sometimes pictures can sit in my 'in progress' folder for longer than is reasonable. Ones I'm just not sure about. Eventually I get to the point where I'm fed up of seeing the files, so it's either delete or post. Today I decided POST! 😆

#sillyScribbles #birds #silly #nonsense
A photo of a bird ornament on a black surface, against a dark backdrop. It is facing the camera, and is made of a red velvety fabric, with a diamond encrusted gold crown and a sequined breast. It's legs are golden and glittery. It is quite something. I have added five simple drawn figures, bowed down in its glory, facing it from the left and right. In the top left is scribbled the words "I, for one, welcome our new shiny overlords".