"In dealing with other administrations, Israeli leaders, including Netanyahu, had learned to gradually push the envelope and see how far the United States would allow it to go. With Biden, Netanyahu found there was no limit"
Mitchell Plitnick on the rise of the far-right in Israel, enabled by the Biden administration.
#Israel #FarRight #USPolitics
The (Temporary) Triumph of the Israeli Far-Right
Mitchell Plitnick on the rise of the far-right in Israel, enabled by the Biden administration.
#Israel #FarRight #USPolitics
The (Temporary) Triumph of the Israeli Far-Right
The (Temporary) Triumph of the Israeli Far-Right
After decades of feeling restrained, the most radical elements in Israeli politics have been let loose. For now, their tactics seem to have been vindicated.Mitchell Plitnick (Cutting Through)