We started #SaveSocial today.
An initiative of more than 100 writers, artists, journalists, media scientists etc.
We aim at strengthening alternative networks like the Fediverse.
And at ensuring diversity and democracy on Big Tech platforms by regulation.
Our manifest in English is published here: https://savesocial.eu/en
Please support our WeAct campaign (sadly in German - but the same content as the english version).
Please share. Thanks a lot.
An initiative of more than 100 writers, artists, journalists, media scientists etc.
We aim at strengthening alternative networks like the Fediverse.
And at ensuring diversity and democracy on Big Tech platforms by regulation.
Our manifest in English is published here: https://savesocial.eu/en
Please support our WeAct campaign (sadly in German - but the same content as the english version).
Please share. Thanks a lot.
Saving social mediaas a democratic force Nina George, Schriftstellerin, Ehrenpräsidentin European Writers’ Council (EWC) Foto: Heike Blenck Rocko Schamoni, Schriftsteller, Regisseur, Musiker,...Save Social
Björn Staschen •
I thought (and hope) this manifest and your WeAct might be of interest to you!
FediForum •
You should come to FediForum April 1-2 and run a session about it!
FediForumAktionsb. neue Soziale Medien hat dies geteilt