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Good move from the mods at rpg.net! Even more relevant today than when it happened in 2018.

#uspol #ttrpg #rpg #gaming #resist #humanity #GoodVsEvil
A forum admin posts reads "New Ban: Do Not Post In Support of Trump or his Administration
The following policy announcement is the result of over a year of serious debate by the moderation team. The decision is as close to unanimous as we ever get. It will not be the subject of further debate. We have fully considered the downsides and ultimately decided we have to stay true to our values. We will not pretend that evil isn't evil, or that it becomes a legitimate difference of political opinion if you put a suit and tie on it.
We are banning support of Donald Trump or his administration on the RPGnet forums. This is because his public comments, policies, and the makeup of his administration are so wholly incompatible with our values that formal political neutrality is not tenable. We can be welcoming to (for example) persons of every ethnicity who want to talk about games, or we can allow support for open white supremacy. Not both. Below will be an outline of the policy and a very incomplete set of citations.
We have a community here that we've built carefully over time, and support for elected hate groups aren't welcome here. We can't save the world, but we can protect and care for the small patch that is this board......"
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Sounds fascistic to me @stux and you know, Im really really close to blocking your and gargons entire instances because censorship on your servers has been an ongoing problem. You actually thought that you could have a social media full of cute cats recipes and blue faction fascists pointing at the red ones? HAHAHA. Seriously... delusional This one is history just because🫱 @croyle