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Beiträge, die mit rpg getaggt sind

New review! 328 - Final Fantasy XII

A big one crossed off the almighty backlog this week - it's Square Enix's twisting large scale Ivalician political drama, and the part played by one grief-stricken and angry young man


#review #gaming #videogames #RetroGaming #blog #blogging #rpg #jrpg #finalfantasy

Happy Saturday! I'm Mr.Slate and I just posted the latest "The Weekly Slate" blog on our Patreon. In it I share the state of all Slate Games projects!
#indiegame #indiegamedev #fantasy #oldschool #rpg #screenshotsaturday #gamedev #blog #moonward

Happy Saturday! I'm Mr.Slate and I just posted the latest "The Weekly Slate" blog on our Patreon. In it I share the state of all Slate Games projects!
#indiegame #indiegamedev #fantasy #oldschool #rpg #screenshotsaturday #gamedev #blog #moonward

:dragn_owo: 🎲

EDIT: Someone told me the first picture was AIGen, so, here a second one as compensation.

#Dragon #RPG #TTRPG
Four dragons sating at a table, playing a tabletop RPG.
The picture is labeled “Houses & Humans.”
Four dragon sitting at a table with characters sheets, dices a soda cans on it, playing the “Houses & Humans” tabletop RPG.

Blue dragon (GM): You leave the party and your wife says “Why did you joke about my hairs?”.
Yellow dragon (pointing at the red one): You're so dead.
Red dragon (shaking dices in one hand): Come on high roll! Avoid an argument!

Nach über zwei Jahrzehnten erhält das Klassiker-#RPG #NeverwinterNights einen #DLC. Mit "Doom of Icewind Dale" finden viele neue Inhalte im Rahmen einer frischen Story den Weg in das #Videospiel von #BioWare. https://winfuture.de/news,149115.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

A funny song about Elon Musk failing at posing as a pro gamer. Lyrics by me, music by brev.ai, image by AIEASE. Greetings to all the women and queer people in nerd culture, who make our communities great. Screw Elon and his incel cultists!
#rpg #FckMusk #gaming #PathOfExile2 #nerd #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #fortnite #politik #gesellschaft #musik #comedy #ai

Die #Demo zum #Gothic Remake ist jetzt auf Steam und GOG verfügbar. Tauche als Gefangener Nyras in die neu gestaltete Welt der Strafkolonie ein - mit verbesserter Grafik und überarbeitetem Kampfsystem. #RPG https://winfuture.de/videos/Spiele/Gothic-Remake-Die-Demo-ist-ab-sofort-auf-Steam-und-GOG-verfuegbar-27196.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

I got to try out the Aegis Force: The Scorian war demo. The game has some interesting ideas, but the execution isn't quite there yet.

#AegisForce #keymailer #gaming #jrpg #game #fantasy #rpg #review #blog #demo


Ich bin zwar nicht #neuhier, aber ich habe das gleiche Problem wie @snoopy_jay vor einigen Wochen: Ich nähere mich den 88 Followern und finde das blöd. Mögen mir noch zwei-drei Menschen folgen, damit ich die Zahl nicht auf dem Profil habe? Ich poste viel #gruene-Zeugs, interessiere mich aber auch sehr für #elternsein, #rollenspiele, #rpg oder #foundryvtt. Ich mag #linux, hab nen eigenen Mini-Server und Interessiere mich sehr für #cybersecurity. Freue mich, wenn ihr meinem Aufruft folgt. Danke! #followerpowerP.S.: Natürlich folge ich zurück 😀

Mal wieder etwas Rollenspielcontent: Wie man mit FoundryVTT und KI tolle Tokens erstellen kann. iceshrimp.de/@razortide/pages/foundry-vtt-token-mit-AI-erstellenIch habe bei der Gelegenheit direkt mal das Seiten-Tool bei #iceshrimp probiert. Kritik, Vorschläge und Ideen werden gerne angenommen.

ObsidianEntertainment bringt mit #Avowed ein neues Action-RPG im Pillars of Eternity-Universum. First-Person-Perspektive und actionreiches Gameplay sollen für frischen Wind sorgen. #RPG #Trailer https://winfuture.de/videos/Spiele/Avowed-Obsidians-neues-RPG-ist-da-und-macht-Elder-Scrolls-Konkurrenz-27176.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Good move from the mods at rpg.net! Even more relevant today than when it happened in 2018.

#uspol #ttrpg #rpg #gaming #resist #humanity #GoodVsEvil
A forum admin posts reads "New Ban: Do Not Post In Support of Trump or his Administration
The following policy announcement is the result of over a year of serious debate by the moderation team. The decision is as close to unanimous as we ever get. It will not be the subject of further debate. We have fully considered the downsides and ultimately decided we have to stay true to our values. We will not pretend that evil isn't evil, or that it becomes a legitimate difference of political opinion if you put a suit and tie on it.
We are banning support of Donald Trump or his administration on the RPGnet forums. This is because his public comments, policies, and the makeup of his administration are so wholly incompatible with our values that formal political neutrality is not tenable. We can be welcoming to (for example) persons of every ethnicity who want to talk about games, or we can allow support for open white supremacy. Not both. Below will be an outline of the policy and a very incomplete set of citations.
We have a community here that we've built carefully over time, and support for elected hate groups aren't welcome here. We can't save the world, but we can protect and care for the small patch that is this board......"

Turns out the place I got my D&D pdf archive is still up! It's here:


It's got #dnd, #Traveller, #FATE, #GammaWorld, and a lot more. 100+ #rpg systems. If it's a #ttrpg system from a previous decade it's probably there. Go take a look y'all something for everyone I think


There is a quick blog out about the different languages supported in Sit-Back Attack. We're very excited to bring this game to multiple languages. Check it out and see what languages Sit-Back Attack will be available at https://www.dpsii.com/post/sit-back-attack-available-in-multiple-languages.
#indiegame #indiedev #gamer #blog #rpg

I now understand the point of the introduction toot. So allow myself to reintroduce… myself:

I’m Johno. I’m a dad. I live in Berkeley, CA, USA. I have oddly specific preferences, and I’m here to learn about other folks’ oddly specific preferences.

Interests include:


If you enjoy old school dungeon crawls or D&D, you're going to want to check out Depths of Endore on Steam or your favorite mobile device.

#depthsofendor #fantasy #dungeoncrawl #adventure #retro #rpg #gaming #videogame #keymailer #blog #review


I tried out the Ink. in Early Access, and while I think it is cute, it needs a lot more work before it can earn my recommendation.

#roguelike #gaming #game #rpg #game #videogame #review #indie #blog #steam #earlyaccess


Attention Citizens:
2 + 2 now equals 5.3187.
Please update your devices and minds accordingly.

Thank you for your compliance.

#Paranoia #ttrpg #rpg #math #update


For your next adventure, design a dungeon based on a Children's Day open air event!

Petting Zoo: You are in a pit. 2d10 Huge creatures are trying to aggressively pet you.

Face Painting: Roll Dex and Athletics to paint the required symbols on a Small moving target.

Bouncy Castle: Enter a swarm of Raging Small Creatures on Difficult Terrain. Good luck.

Candy Booth: Your Small Creature now has 1d6 hours of unlimited Dash actions and Bardic Inspiration.

#ttrpg #rpg #DnD #parenting

New Year's resolutions have been pre-selected for each citizen.
Self-improvement is Mandatory.

#Paranoia #rpg #ttrpg #games #resolution #holiday #holidays #PSA

I just found out that more than 6000 people have downloaded my PhD dissertation on forum-based role-playing games, and my mind is blown 🤯
(I never thought to check)

And more than 17,000 for my master's thesis on #ttrpg in the high school classroom 🤯

I read a lot of theses and dissertations when I research. It's good to see others are getting use out of what I wrote. And I'm glad it's freely available. It should be.

#RPG #gaming #games #gamer #academia #research

Great for #RPG sessions, the local rich quest giver sends you to a mysterious island that has ceased shipping out luxury footwear. When they get there, everyone seems to be gone for the day....