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Beiträge, die mit dungeonsanddragons getaggt sind

A funny song about Elon Musk failing at posing as a pro gamer. Lyrics by me, music by brev.ai, image by AIEASE. Greetings to all the women and queer people in nerd culture, who make our communities great. Screw Elon and his incel cultists!
#rpg #FckMusk #gaming #PathOfExile2 #nerd #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #fortnite #politik #gesellschaft #musik #comedy #ai

Vom Spieltisch auf den Bildschirm: Netflix wagt sich an eine Serie im "Forgotten Realms"-Universum von #DungeonsAndDragons. Kann der Streaming-Dienst die Magie des kultigen Rollenspiels einfangen? https://winfuture.de/news,148855.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

There's a "Dungeons & Dragons" livestream happening on Jan. 30 to raise funds for those affected by the Los Angeles fires. Critical Role is hosting "Freaky Thursday," which will be streamed on Beacon, Twitch and YouTube at 7 p.m. PT. It will feature the characters played by Ashley Johnson, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Travis Willingham, Sam Riegel, Laura Bailey, and Liam O’Brien and game master Matthew Mercer. The group has set a fundraising goal of $180,000. Here's more from @RollingStone on what to expect.


#Gaming #VideoGames #DungeonsAndDragons #DND #TTRPG #CriticalRole #LAFires #Wildfires #FreakyThursday

Hello Fellow Comrades and Survivors,

I wanted to write an #Introduction. I'm a mom trying to set a good example to a daughter in a deeply conservative state. I hope to build community and skills on how to survive and thrive through these times.

Let me know if anyone has any recommendations for some pages to follow. Since I'm #new here!

"Project 2025- much easier to understand in its original German"

#AntiFascism #anticapitalism #personalsecurity #selfsufficiency #antiMAGA

And because you have to have fun once in a while...

#crochet #books #buddhism #baking #cozygames #dungeonsanddragons

Turns out the place I got my D&D pdf archive is still up! It's here:


It's got #dnd, #Traveller, #FATE, #GammaWorld, and a lot more. 100+ #rpg systems. If it's a #ttrpg system from a previous decade it's probably there. Go take a look y'all something for everyone I think


My Follow Friday recommendation for this week is @TarkabarkaHolgy .

She’s a professional storyteller and author who I’ve known online for years.

Her feed is filled with references to stories and myths from every corner of the globe. I also love her occassional anecdotes about Dungeons & Dragons and parenting. She has a fantastic sense of humour.

#FollowFriday #Folklore #DungeonsAndDragons