Beiträge, die mit ToddlerDnD getaggt sind
You have a choice of the following options while the kid is out:
- Do a chore
- Inhale your food
- Stare vacantly into space
- Scroll through social media platform of choice
- Curl into a ball and cry
- Have a WhatsApp convo with friend
- Nap and regret
- Watch the clock as the minutes tick down
- Try to read
- Devour secret snack
#parenting #DnD
"I rolled a Nat 20 for searching the room!"
"Awesome! You found 345 hair clips, 143 hair ties, 3 missing puzzle pieces, 5.5 Barbie shoes, 37 socks, and 4 nose spray caps."
"And the toy I was looking for?"
"Nope, sorry."
#parenting #DnD
The Healing Spell components you have:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- aspirin
- herbal tea
- honey
- tissues
- throat losenge
- sheer force of will
- tearful prayers to the gods
- ginger shot
The Healing Spell components you would actually need:
- 7 days of uninterrupted long rest
#parenting #DnD
Actions that provoke an immediate Attack of Opportunity from a Toddler class creature (when said creature has Condition: Sick):
- Offering medicine for their pain
- Offering to help them clean their airways
- Offering food
- Offering drink
- Offering other type of food
- Offering other type of drink
- Approaching with medicine-shaped object
- Suggesting more sleep
It's rough to be a Cleric in this party.
#DnD #parenting
Verbal component: "Now I finally have some time to get back to my hobbies!"
Effect: Immediate routine breaking event selected from the random table below with a D12 roll
1. Ear infection
2. Tonsillitis
3. Head lice
4. PTA conflict
5. Skipping naps
6. Family holiday
7. Ear infection again
8. The poops
9. Can't sleep won't sleep
10. Childhood illness
11. Kindergarten break
12. More lice
#DnD #parenting
Toddler's Vicious Snot: This spell initially impacts the member of the party with the lowest HP. It lasts for 2 days. After that it affects all other members of the party, is immune to Healing, and you need a 20+ Con saving throw to recover from it.
Fall Back: This spell interrupts the target's Long Rest one hour too soon. Every time. For about two weeks.
Toddler's Disappearing Accessories: This spell affects hats, gloves, scarves, and boots.
#parenting #DnD
Spells I would like to learn:
Dress Toddler: cantrip that replaces Pajamas with Outside Clothes instantly
Clean Sidewalk: Prestidgitation for the meltdown area, including soundproofing
Find Toy: the one that is immediately needed at bedtime even though we have not played with it for months
Remove the Ew: makes all the "ew" bits disappear from the plate of food (e.g. the shredded cheese from the spaghetti)
#parenting #DnD
- Material: Copious amounts of soap
- Verbal: I DO IT ALONE!
- Somatic: Wave hands in the general direction of water without actually touching it. Let soap drip down, then wave hands under water without rubbing, or washing off soap.
Casting time: 5 sec to eterinty
Duration: 1-3 min (until next encounter with difficult terrain, food, or small creature)
Effect: Toddler hands are clean on a spiritual level. Parent gets -2 Wisdom.
"Sometimes you have to let the kids get Bored, it's good for their creativity!"
Bored condition for Toddler class:
- Casting Violent Scream is now a cantrip
- Gains a level in Artist with a specialization in Wall Drawing
- Gains reistsance to Power Word NO
- No check needed for finding traps as long as you immediately spring them
- Sibling Toddlers automatically Rage
Parental Short Rest:
- Parent regains 0 HP
- Parent temporarily loses 5 points in Wisdom
#patenting #DnD
Bedtime Disengage. Roll D20.
Nat 1: You fell asleep. Kid left the room.
2-5: You peek. Child is staring back at you like a tarsier.
6-10: You make a move. Child grabs onto a facial feature of choice.
11-15: Leaving the room you step on a toy. Child bolts.
16-19: You make it to the door when a tiny voice calls you back.
Nat 20: You leave the room. Kid's still asleep. Your remaining Adult Brain Function is hours equal to your Con modifier. Halved. Rounded down.
#parenting #DnD
Sand Shoes: bonus action to put on when the child bolts from the sandbox
Sturdini: sturdy swimwear that can't be unlaced, untied, unclipped, yanked up or yanked down easily
Safe Jewelry: can't be torn off, slipped off, or swallowed by Small creatures and yet adds Charisma bonus
Bottomless Coffee Bottle: can be opened and closed with one hand, comes with Mage Hand while pushing a stroller
#DnD #parenting
Side quests for the campaign titled Deep Cleaning Your Kid's Room:
- Find Paddington's hat (DC 15)
- Find BOTH birds missing from the bird memory card set (not the same bird) (DC 25)
- Sort the Peppa puzzle pieces from the Little Mole puzzle pieces (DC 15). Sort the Little Mole in the Spring puzzle pieces from the Little Mole in the Summer puzzle pieces (DC 30).
- Decide what to do with all 546 unique crayon drawings (DC 30)
#parenting #DnD #ttrpg
"Your toddler skipped a sleep" dungeon design:
1. Everyone has Bardic Inspiration and Haste.
2. Mushroom forest. Everyone is high and everything is funny. Encounter table includes Teletubbies and Peppa.
3. Random encounters. Just. RANDOM.
4. WELCOME TO THE SLUMBERDOME! Two players enter. One stays awake.
5. Demonic possession. Party tries to perform exorcism with soft toys, lavender scent, and prayer.
6. Roll Stealth to get out of the room. If fail, start over.
#parenting #DnD
Bedtime actions for Monk class toddlers:
Akimbo Attack: hits 4 different targets at the same time. Damage 1d6 each.
Compass of Comfort: toddler spins horizontally, with head and feet striking in cardinal directions. Some of those directions are the attending parent's chin, stomach, and private parts.
Rotisserie Escape: twisting out of restraints while twirling.
Projectile V: bonus action, ranged attack. Always catches the target flat-footed and prone.
#parenting #DnD #ttrpg
For your next adventure, design a dungeon based on a Children's Day open air event!
Petting Zoo: You are in a pit. 2d10 Huge creatures are trying to aggressively pet you.
Face Painting: Roll Dex and Athletics to paint the required symbols on a Small moving target.
Bouncy Castle: Enter a swarm of Raging Small Creatures on Difficult Terrain. Good luck.
Candy Booth: Your Small Creature now has 1d6 hours of unlimited Dash actions and Bardic Inspiration.
#ttrpg #rpg #DnD #parenting
Parental Mind Spike: as above, but reserved for parents who are trying to put the toddler to sleep when someone revvs a car engine and blasts music outside.
Damage increases 1d20 with every hour kid has been awake. Also, it's a cantrip now.
Don't say I didn't warn you. 🤬
#parenting #DnD #ToddlerDnD
Instead of taking a Short Rest, the Toddler class character can spend the equivalent time inside a bubble of self-generated chaos.
During this time, the Toddler regains all HP and spell slots by siphoning them off the adjacent Parent.
Parent characters then temporarily function as zombie familiars until their next Long Rest.
#ToddlerDnD #parenting #DnD
#ToddlerDnD #DnD #parenting
It's a magical threshold between scenes in the adventure. Whichever direction you try to cross over it with the toddler, you automatically enter combat.
#ToddlerDnD #parenting #DnD
"But why?!?!"
In the end the demon got annoyed and left.
New #ToddlerDnD Spell: Vicious Inquiry?
#parenting #DnD #ThisIsYourBrainOnParenting
Caught in a Paradox
- simultaneously wants to play outside and refuses to go out the door
- pauses all actions until further notice
- automatically entering combat
- can only be cancelled by Create Food and Water
- pulling that pocket zipper up and down and up and down
- immune to all outside stimuli including Power Words
- has been up since 4:30am
- Rage is a free action
- just no.
#parenting #DnD
"I'm just going to pretend I'm asleep. I'm not going to react to ANYTHING."
Child creature: *Cheerfully walks a plush penguin up my arm and makes it pee in my ear*
Me: *immediately fails all Stealth checks*
😆 🐧
#parenting #DnD #ToddlerDnD
"See, when the sheep's eyes are open and the light is green, it's play time. When she sheep's eyes are closed and the light is red, it's sleep time."
Child, already prying the sheep's eyes open with her hands:
"So if the sheep's eyes are open I don't have to sleep?..."
Me, making mental note:
"... I am not DMing for this kid. Ever." 😅
#parenting #DnD #ToddlerDnD
Child, playing with the color coded dice: "PINK! PINK!"
Me: "That's not how dice work, honey. You can't just tell them what you want to roll."
Child: *rolls (actually rolls) pink 3 times in a row, gives me a shit-eating grin* "PINK!"
Me: "Welp, playing D&D with you will be fun..."
#parenting #ttrpg #dnd
(What class is Santa anyway?...)
#ToddlerDnD #dnd #ttrpg #xmas #parenting
*Long Rest*
Regain all lost hit points
*Short Rest*
Regain hit points equal to constitution modifier + roll
*Naptime Rest*
Regain half of hit points, and spend the other half watching the clock to see how many minutes are left before the kid wakes up
*Husband Is Feeding the Kid Rest*
Poop in Peace
*Peppa Episode Rest*
Summon Coffee (prepared spell)
*Bedtime Rest*
Fall asleep while humming, wake up Disoriented
*Grandparents Are Here Rest*
Pass out for 4 hours
#DnD #parenting
The Holiday Times
No school
No rules
No turns
No long rests
No saving throws
Randomized family encounters
Have fun, everyone 😆
#dnd #holidays #parenting
"I encountered a new legendary weapon... it deals 10d10 acid damage, 5d8 emotional damage to both wielder and victim, temporarily lowers your Wisdom, flays your mind, and transforms a Small creature into a Shrieking Terror."
"Holy hell, what is it called?"
#dnd #parenting
Random Loot Table
Roll D10 when you return home with toddler from a walk and take the winter layers off
1: half a muffin in crumbs
2: cool pebbles
3: suspiciously inactive snail
4: wasn't this your lunch yesterday?
6: plush toy but wet
7: two bites of pizza
8: Chthulhu (slightly chewed)
9: toilet paper
10: your keys
#dnd #parenting
Kindergarten Random Encounter Table - Roll D20
1-2: The snots
3-4: The coughs
5-6: The poops
7-8: The barfs
9-10: Pink eye
11-12: The tonsils
13-14: Le childhood illness
15-16: More pink eye
17-19: Kid is fine, roll for yourself
Once the encounter is over, take a long rest, go back to work for 2 days, then roll again.
#DnD #parenting
"Do you want this snack?"
"Are you sure? You seem hungry."
"So you are not going to eat this snack?"
"NO! EW!"
"Alright, then I'm eating it.... What are you doing?"
#DnD #parenting
Toddler cantrip
Material component: IKEA toilet seat
Verbal component: "Mama come see me poop!"
Somatic component: Mama has to see
Parent cantrip
Material component: 3rd latte this morning
Verbal component: "WHERE IS MOOOOM!"
Somatic component: Toddler has to SEE
#dnd #parenting
Dammit, I'm my own child's Jaskier.
#parenting #TheWitcher #ToddlerDnD
"So if I eat all the veggies, and put away the puzzle pieces I spilled, and wash my hands, and go to bed nicely, THEN can I please cast Mage Hand to reach into the TV and pet that dog?"
"For the last time, I am your mother, not your warlock patron."
#dnd #parenting #ttrpg
Giving the toddler a healing potion takes a Dexterity check, a Persuasion roll, a Grapple action, a help action from the spouse, 3-5 rare ingredients, Bardic Inspiration, blessing from three different gods, thunder damage to the ears, multiple rounds of Prestidigitation, and an Alignment check at the end...
#parenting #dnd
"I cast Featherfall."
"You are not a spellcaster."
"That's not..."
"See? Works every time."
"That's because we keep catching you."
#dnd #parenting #ttrpg
I'm Csenge, professional storyteller and author from Hungary. I post about #folktales, mythology, storytelling, RPGs, and general nerdy stuff.
Things I usually post:
#FolktaleMoment: snippets of tales I am researching
#StorySpotting: blog posts about folktales spotted in popular media
#StorytellingPSA: comments of the life of a professional storyteller
#GirlInTheChair: research help for all your folklore needs :)
#ToddlerDnD: Adventures in nerdy parenting
#introduction #folklore
"I search the room for loot."
"There is no loot."
"I search again."
"No need. You succeeded your roll. There is no loot in this room."
"I yell NOW."
"Yelling NOW won't make loot appear out of thin air."
"Are you sure? I'm gonna try anyway."
#parenting #dnd #ttrpg
"You are out of spell slots and low on HP. What would you like to do? Long rest?"
"Short rest?"
"Then what's the plan?"
#parenting #dnd