Beiträge, die mit resolution getaggt sind
We intend to #ReclaimTime and the #patriarchal control of #time in the settler-colonial #Gregorian #calendar. This completely eliminates the #Moon which belongs to virtually every #Indigenous #cosmology. Cosmic time reckons with 🌍 🌙 and ☀️
Look Westerly on a bright #London horizon this evening for the 🌙 setting. Tomorrow late night lie with your feet NE and look up for the #Quadrantids (bring a blanket!)
Read more on #lunarchy here
UN General Assembly overwhelmingly demands immediate Gaza ceasefire
The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted on Wednesday to demand an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the immediate release of all hostages.Reuters (South China Morning Post)
India's Position on Israel-Palestine: Balancing Act at the UN - EUROPE SAYS
In a stern reminder to nations caught in conflict, India's External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, highlighted theEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
„German lawmakers are considering a new draft resolution that claims to combat antisemitism in educational institutions. Instead, it presents a one-dimensional view of Jewish life and erases crucial space for debate on Israeli politics and Germany's role in Gaza.“
The United States, which has blocked four other resolutions, said it vetoed the most recent version because it did not make the release of hostages a precondition for a truce.
Lebanon's premier asks Iran to help secure Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire - EUROPE SAYS
BEIRUT — Lebanon’s caretaker prime minister Friday asked Iran to help secure a cease-fire in the war between IsraelEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#AfD Nazi Beatrix Von Storch freut sich schon, dass die #Grünen so etwas überhaupt zugestimmt haben:
Zu dem Thema extrem sehenswert:
#antisemitismus #resolution #israel #gaza #palestine
Bundestag beschließt Antrag zu Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus
Wo fängt Antisemitismus an - und wie kann man ihm einen Riegel vorschieben? Der Bundestag hat einen Antrag zum Schutz jüdischen Lebens verabschiedet. Der Ton war größtenteils sachlich, trotz
Die vom Bundestag beschlossene Resolution zum Schutz jüdischen Lebens wird ausgerechnet von israelischen Organisationen kritisiert. Denn die Sanktionierung von Kritik an Israel könnte auch sie betreffen. Von Jan-Christoph Kitzler.
#Bundestag #Resolution #Kritik #Israel #Antisemitismus