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Was out watering the pots and spotted a tiny head amongst them, a little tabby kitten. Then a little black face, two kittens. No sign of mum. Very skittery, probably born to feral mum.

Now to try to catch them. First off have put a box with towel out, and given them some milk as they are probably very low on nutrition.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon
Two tiny kittens eating cat food from a plate
Went out again once it got a little dark, black kitty was sitting out, tabby hiding. I gave them another round of food and they wolfed it down then went back to hiding. Looks like they've used one of my plant pots as a litter box.

Here's hoping they're around in the morning.
I've been swimming, left food out for the kittens. The milk I had left out yesterday was all gone. By the time I got back, the new lot of food was also gone, no sign of the kittens though. But clearly eaten by them.

Shall go sit out there later, see if I can spot them.
So the black one is a little bigger than the tabby. Tabby appears to have eyes tightly shut, is around the size of a 3-4 week old but may be older and just malnourished. Black one is around the size of a 5 week old.

They're still hiding.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon #CaRescue
Two tiny kittens looking at me with suspicion
Just put another meal out for them, one sachet for the two. They came out and wolfed it down. Tabby's eyes are open a bit, hopefully a good sign. Looked at me and dashed off, they're hiding out under a large, wide pot. Shall go give them some more food a bit later once it's cooled down a bit and sun's gone down.
Tabby is in the wide pot right now which houses a small bush, and is playing with the bush. A good sign! Lots of energy and playfulness. I may be able to lure them with some string, hopefully.
Kittens got another dinner, after I watered the plants gently. They were hiding under the pot at the time. Then came out a minute or two later to wolf down dinner. Black one keeping a close eye on me. Afterwards they got into a pot and curled up together until tabby saw me and fled. Black one sat there for a while, looking very sleepy. Little steps to gain their confidence...
The kittens have been up and exploring. I've put out some breakfast and milk for them, and watered everything because it's going to be 38 C here today, to try save the plants and cool things down for them. Shall give them some more food in a bit. The birds are lurking and no doubt will help consume the brekky.
It's been a shocker of a hot day. Kittens have had brekky and dinner. Black kitten has been visible this evening, using one of my flower pots as a litterbox. No sign of tabby tonight so far.
Good news! Both kittens made it through the horrible heat yesterday and were scouring the yard for brekky earlier on. Have devoured a couple sachets of cat food and a bowl of milk.

Today is going to be 38 and possibly thunderstorms later. Let's see how that goes. I think I may be hiring a trap on Monday, to try catch them.
Just been out there watering and put down some dinner. It's 36.3 out there and very overcast with hot northerly breeze blowing. Black kitty didn't care and started hoovering into the food. Tabby got frightened and hid amongst the pots. Have left them to eat their dinner in peace, will go down later and give them some milk. Giving them food with lots of gravy, to keep their fluids up.
Tabby came back, lots of dinner consumed. Have left them some cold milk, it's still hot out there so they're sheltering in shade again.

'Tomorrow I shall seek out a trap and see if I can catch them.
Thank fark for a cool change. They were up and exploring again early this morning. I left them brekky and milk and went swimming and they've eaten a fair amount of it and drunk a lot of milk. Shall hopefully get hold of a trap today and see about catching them at dinner time.

A friend at the pool may have a friend who will take them, she'll let me know. I went swimming and told her about my visitors.
It's raining but the babies are active today, they've been running around the yard amongst the pots and pooping in a few of them. Hopefully my wildflowers survive this.
Cat trap gotten. $35 for a week, here's hoping it works! Sharting with rain here now, shall try it out later today.
Just picked up a litter tray, kitten food and kitten milk as I am sure my milk is giving them the squirts. Prep for tonight.
Trap with kitten food on a plate in it has been deployed. So far have seen black kitten moving around, have not seen tabby movement yet.

Fingers and paws crossed

Both kittens are playing chasey in the yard. They've been romping about. Tabby has gone into the cage a few times, but not far enough in. Black is keeping back. They're hungry though, sniffing and hunting for food.

50% VICTORY! TABBY IS CAUGHT! Was sitting here and heard a click and sure enough, it was in there being angry in a tiny kitten way. Baby has been transferred to a bathroom with a litter box, kitten milk and dinner. Is currently hiding behind the toilet. Shall leave it alone to calm down for now.


Trap has been reset and now waiting for black kitten to obey hunger pains.


#kitten #KittenRescue #Caturday #FUCKYEAH
A tiny tabby kitten is hiding behind a toilet
Black baby is still in yard, sitting sadly on their own. Hoping it's tummy finally drives it into the cage overnight.

Tabby is making very tiny hissing noises when I visit, so very cute. Still under the toilet, I gave bubs a towel and pointed out dinner to it. Hopefully it eats something during the night.
It's morning! The trap went off in the night but no baby inside.

Black baby IS still in my yard, lurking amongst the bushes. I've swapped out the plate of food with a fresh lot and reset the trap.

Meanwhile tabby has eaten some of their dinner, drunk some milk, used the litterbox and is half asleep curled up in a corner. I've said good morning to it, and told it it was a very good kitten.

Now I'll go for a walk and come back in an hour or so and see if blackie's finally gone to get food.
Sadly black baby is not in the trap yet.

Now going to sit with tabby, and give it some attention.
It's a girl! She had a little snooze in a towel then on me, then wanted to get down. Made her a nest from a box and a hand towel and she's in there right now. It's all been quite a lot for her. She is very sleepy. Little bit of gunk around eyes but looking alert and can track a finger being waved quite fine.

#KittenRescue #Caturday #Cats
A baby tabby kitten snuggled in a blue towel
A baby tabby kitten being held in a lap for the first time, it's a bit scary for the baby.
Black kitten still out there some where sadly. I so want to reunite these two, they'd be much happier together.

My cat is very sus about the whole thing and keeps lurking near the bathroom where tabby is in.
Grrr I am a very scary kitten!

Also I am very tiny and scared.

She's slowly warming up to being held and patted and fell asleep in my hand just now.

Have left them alone together to cool down and cuddle.

Now to return cage to dude who was convinced it would take days to catch them 🤣

#kittens #KittenRescue #Caturday
A tiny black kitten hides behind a toilet
Just took cage back and checked on the babies. They are together, under the toilet right now. Being together will cheer them both up. I'll leave them in there for a couple hours to settle down before I get them some dinner. And say hi to black kitten, properly.
Here they are! Currently curled up in a corner, I've given them some dinner and kitten milk. Shall check on them in a couple hours and see how their appetites are.

#Cats #Kittens #KittenRescue #CatsofMastodon #KittensOfMastodon
A tabby kitten is curled up in a corner between the wall and a vanity, on a blue handtowel. Its all black sibling is curled up behind it in the corner. Both looking at the camera with concern.  They are very small, around 5 weeks old at most.
Just spent an hour sitting with them both. They both have gunky eyes and black kitten has gunky nose. No idea of sex of black one. I'll take them to the vet tomorrow for some TLC.
A tiny tabby kitten and a tiny black kitten swaddled in a blue towel, in a bathroom, on a lap.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
The babies spent their first reunited indoors night together, eating all the food, drinking almost all the milk, both using the litterbox and even knocking a loaned toy around. Good start!

I just went swimming and came back to see they've devoured half the brekky I gave them before I went. They got more cuddling time in, whether they want it or not. And they are booked in to see the vet this afternoon.

Sadly my friend's friend can't take them, but this gives me time to get them all healthy.
Made them a tiny snuggle out of a box and hand towel. They're currently curled up in it, snoozing. 😍

#Cats #CatsofMastodon #Kitten #Kittens #Caturday
A tiny tabby kitten and a black kitten are curled up in a box, looking up at the camera.
Babies have been to the vet. Could have cat flu, given antibiotics, also worming paste. Doc thinks they might be 8 weeks old, just tiny (700g and 940g) due to malnourishment.

They will get meds and lots of attention and hopefully thrive and return in a week much bigger.

They were Very Good Kittens though out it all.

Black is a boy!

#Cats #CatsofMastodon #Kitten #Kittens #Caturday
A tiny tabby kitten and a tiny black kitten sit at the back of a carry cage, with a blue towel in the foreground. They are both looking sleepy.
We just gave the babies their first antibiotics dose. It takes two to do it, even with such tiny kittens 😀

I sat with little black lad for a while, who hasn't had as many cuddles as his sister. He discovered he loves chin and ear rubs.

His sister purred at the sight of him returning to the snuggle, and a couple more times just looked at him and purred, for a few seconds. They are so bonded.

They get more worming paste tomorrow, and abs twice a day.

eta 2x a day not week for abs
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Made them a larger snuggle as it's getting harder to get him out of the tiny one. They've both put on weight, 991 for him (up from 940) and 735 (700) for her. Almost finished the plate full of food I left before I went for a walk. Antibiotics done for the morning.

I left them toys last night and this morning paper ball was trashed, lobster toy moved and mouse under a towel so they had play time alright. So far so good. Noses and eyes looking less gunky too.
Two tiny kittens are in a box, with a larger one beside it. An almost cleared plate of food is nearby.
My supervisor has given up on sitting and staring with suspicion towards the bathroom where the kittens are. She knows something's up though.

#Cats #Cat #Caturday #CatsofMastodon
A white and black cat is curled up on a cardboard couch, with a yellow goldfish toy that has a fluffy red tail, beside her.
Went to visit the babies and give them some lunch. My view when I go in there is of them cuddled together in a box.

When I leave, I check our new kittencam and voila, they're up and romping around 😀 playing with toys and eating.

#CatsofMastodon #kitten #kittens
A tiny tabby kitten is curled up with a black kitten in a box, paws around each other, looking up at the camera.
A webcam view of the bathroom. Black and tabby kittens eating at a plate of food.
😀 they took turns using the litterbox whilst the other one waited. Then tabby played with a toy and now they've gone back to bed.
I loaned them one of my supervisor's cardboard palaces and took some more toys down there. Now tabby is going nuts chasing a little pink octopus around and her brother is investigating the new palace.
Babies have been drugged and fed. They were in their new palace when we arrived with worming paste and anti biotics. His nose and eyes are looking better, got a gentle wipe down. She's looking like her congestion is receding well as well.

Currently watching kittencam and they're now having some dinner. Shall see how much playtime happens before we go to bed.
So an hour and half later, they've finally stop chasing each other, play fighting, running, tumbling and going off like two frogs in a sock and have retired to rest in the palace.
Morning again, the kittens ate all the food I left them last night by this morning. I left them more for brekky and just got back to find half of that gone already. Lots of milk drunk too. They both just got a dose of their meds and are roaming around the bathroom. I also gave them another paper ball to play with.

They have both put on weight since yesterday! Excellent sign.
I loaned the kittens one of the supervisor's toys; a motorised butterfly on a wire that just spins around. I thought tabby would like it as she liked pawing at plants. Turns out her brother does.

#CatsofMastodon #kitten #kittens
Kittens have been fed dinner, given their meds for the night, weighed. Both are still putting on weight each time, which is fantastic.

Then we left them to their own devices....

#CatsofMastodon #kitten #kittens
Babies are still full of energy and silliness. He's more food motivated than she is, and has put on more weight overnight. She has only put on a couple of grams. Here he is in bucket about to be weighed, it's the best way to contain them 😀 His nose and eyes are clearing up too.
A small black male kitten in a bucket
Nipped to Kmart to get them a hooded toilet, both to contain smells and litter that's being tossed all over. This new box is fascinating to the kittens, who are exploring every inch of it.
Loaned the kittens my supervisors large cardboard palace to explore and play in. Supervisor was unamused to see it be removed from her view.

Kittens currently in the ground floor.
A webcam view of a bathroom showing a three storey high cardboard play centre for cats, alongside a single storey one. Toys are strewn across the floor.
A tiny tabby and a tiny black kitten are resting inside the cardboard palace. Its archway door holes are visible.
Afternoon cuddling and attention session. I popped them into the top tier of their loaner castle and now they're exploring all the levels and toys left in each one.

#CatsofMastodon #kitten #kittens
A tiny tabby kitten and a tiny black kitten pretend to be relaxing in a cardboard condo. As soon as I left, they were romping again.