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Beiträge, die mit Cat getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit Cat getaggt sind

Meine Frau wollte Kleo einen Kuss auf den Kopf drücken.
Kleo hat ihren Kopf geschüttelt und ihre Ohren dabei an die Backe meiner Frau geklatscht.

Quasi eine Ohr-Feige.... 🤣

#cat #MastoCats #katze

An evening spent with a friend and her cat.
A morning Yunnan brew to start the day right.
Later, we're going out for brunch and then it'll be time for more travel. This time, in a coach.

#Cat #Tea
A vertical colour photograph of a white and ginger cat smelling my hand. The cat is on an unmade bed with red bedsheets and blue and yellow pillows and duvet cover.
A vertical colour photograph of my hand holding a cup of tea over a garden full of overgrown grass and a pebbles terrace.
#cat #tea

Caturday is always the best time to drop a new Mr.Mittens and the Yowltones album cover.

#cat #cats #caturday #catsofmastodon #catstodon #humor #humour
four cats walking towards the camera and others looking back at a forest on fire

#foto #fotografieren #mywork #Fotografie #Photography 'Katze #Cat
Ich habe mir gedacht, da ihr nach 5 Jahren mein #Fahrrad in- und auswendig kennt, verlege ich mich mal auf etwas wirklich Seltenes:


… ihr wisst ja auch: bewegte #Motive sind nicht so meins.

Ich überlege es mir dann doch noch einmal.

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!
Schlafende Katze auf Wiese - unscharf
Weiße Katze vor Fahrradständer. Kopf abgeschnitten
Sitzende orangegefärbte Katze sitzend Linke Seite teilweise abgeschnitten
Katze auf Wiese. Nur Bauch und eine Tatze ist zu sehen

Essie when She was a Kitten - Canon 85mm f1.8 on Sony a6500 using Metabones 4 adapter.
Hopkinton, MA, United States

Taken on 2016-12-10 13:03:24 with Canon 85mm F1.8 on Sony a6500 with exposure 1/200s @ f/2 @ 85mm @ 1600 ISO

Critiques welcome. Thanks for taking the time to look at my photo.

#photography #AmateurPhotography #cat #CatsOfPixelfed #Caturday #portrait #SonyAlpha #Massachusetts
Portrait of a long haired Siamese kitten with just her face in focus.
© Tom Goetz. All rights reserved. Training an AI on this image is expressly forbidden.

Lady Oblong the Destroyer, next door's cat is no longer satisfied to judge us from under our feijoa tree. Nooo. Now she's taken to actively judging from our garden path as we leave for unacceptable plebian shenanigans. She cares not for what they are. She does NOT approve. 10/10 no notes.

#cat #Caturday #catsofmastodon
Imagine you're sitting in a small Honda Jazz of geriatric nature, about to go to see the 5th, 6th and 7th theatre shows of a 20 show run at your local Fringe Festival. You know there'll be science comedy, Frankenstein and a burlesque show. You're excited. Then you look out the window and see a small fluffy grey Persian cat glaring at you like she's your maiden aunt Fanneline who's just caught you doing handstands in her garden, flashing your sparkly knickers. You know the look. It's green eyed, indignant and radiates wave upon wave of distilled outrage. This small cat looks like she's vibrating with it. She believes you're going to end up in cat hell where there are no balls of wool to chase or lazer pointers to smite. Behind the cat is far too much rampant bamboo. You don't need to know about that. The cat nor you care for its abundance. What you care about is that you have been judged. You will see this look in your dreams later. It will be disdainful. You have been warned. That is all.

You take the blue squeaky toy -- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red squeaky toy -- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the #Caturday

#cat #cats #catstodon #catsofmastodon #humor #humour #thematrix
fluffy cat wearing hippie sunglasses

Via https://thecatapi.com
#Bot #CatsOfMastodon #Catstodon #Cat #Caturday #AltText
A group of seven tiny kittens with spotted coats are cuddled together on a light blue towel inside a cardboard box. They appear to be sleeping closely, forming a cluster with their eyes closed.

Good morning! #CatsOfMastodon #KatLand #Cats #BlackCat #Cat

Sammy at the end of the afternoon yesterday when I lost him and found him next to the wash dryer.
A black cat lying on some pillows and blankets. There's some central heating piping behind him, which is probably why he picked this spot. He looks like he feels like he was disturbed. He has one paw sticking out forwards (as he so often does).

Timeline cleanser

Our family discovered the alternate reality that is the kitty cafe. It will change your life.

#blog #cat #kitten #catsofmastodon #catlife #cleanser #seattle
Cat cafe
Cat cafe
Cat cafe
Cat cafe

#Cat Death Losses Due to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in #SouthDakota

Updated January 13, 2025

"#Veterinarians and laboratory diagnosticians are fielding reports of death losses in cat populations linked to avian influenza infections.

"Beginning in 2022, an #H5N1 subtype of highly pathogenic avian influenza (abbreviated as HPAI) virus caused death losses in domestic turkeys and chickens in South Dakota and elsewhere in the United States, an outbreak that continues. The HPAI virus causes respiratory and multiple organ failure in affected birds, typically appearing as increased numbers of dead birds in large commercial operations, as well as smaller backyard flocks. Deaths in wild birds, typically migrating waterfowl but also other bird species, have been observed at the same time, as well as spillover of the virus into mammals, such as raccoons, foxes, skunks, and other species.

"In Spring 2024, the HPAI virus began infecting #DairyCows, causing drops in milk production and other signs of illness. Unlike infections in other species, widespread death losses have not been associated with HPAI infections in dairy cows.

"About the same time as its emergence in dairy cows, the HPAI virus was implicated in deaths of domestic cats in the vicinity of affected farms. Most affected cats showed #neurologic signs, such as #tremors or #seizures, for a short period of time before dying.

"Since that time, three cases of substantial death losses in groups of outdoor domestic cats in South Dakota have been described. In each of these cases, there has been no apparent link to dairy cows, other livestock, or domestic poultry."

Read more:
#HPAINews #HPAI #AvianInfluenza #BirdFlu #USHealth #CDCCensorship

When you've had too much catnip and you go driving anyway. Consume responsibly kitties!

#caturday #cat #cats #catsofmastodon #cats #humor #humour
a white and beige cat lying in the seat of a toy car on its side, looking like a car crash

**New post** Dear Diary: I adopted a cat! Visit Liseyworks.com to read about it :)
#cat #adoptdontshop #animals #pets #followme #blog #diary #newpost

If you're curious to know what I've been up to over the last year, take a look at my blog post: 2024 in Review. Reading books, playing games, health stuff, and a lil kitten... 🥺


#blog 📚💙 #reading #writer #author #indie #bookreview #cat