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Temperatures remain well above average across the #Arctic, though these anomalies will begin to wane over the next few days. This is also coinciding with record low sea ice conditions for this time of year.

Sea ice data from: https://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index. Map from https://climatereanalyzer.org/
Graphic showing a line graph time series of daily Arctic sea ice extent in for each year from 1979 to 2024. This year is shown in red, and the previous record in 2018 is shown in yellow. Purple to white color shading is used for each other year's line. There is a long-term decreasing trend for every day of the year.
Map of 2-m air temperature anomalies from the 6z GFS forecast on 7 February 2025 showing the Northern Hemisphere. Temperature are well above average over the Arctic, but colder around the nearby continental land regions.