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Interview: "Trans Youth Lose Access to Care as Hospitals Capitulate to Trump Attacks"

Trump continues to sign new executive orders attacking transgender people & their rights.

Protesters rallied outside NYU Langone Hospital in Manhattan to demand it continue providing gender-affirming care for trans patients, after news that some patients had been dropped by the hospital.


#LGBTQIRights #TransRights #Trump #Transphobia #USPol #Fascism .

DrALJONES hat dies geteilt

I predict there will soon be (sadly regrettably and desperately) a horrific increase in suicide in USA.

Amongst the homeless, the poor, the LGBTQI and Trans, the sick, the elderly, the veterans, the unemployed, the undocumented, the violated, the victims of all levels of crime.

They won't know who to turn to for help or support or funding anymore, and will feel abandoned in Trumps USA.

And nobody will hold statistical data anymore or risk speaking their names for fear of retribution.
And Trump will rejoice.

#uspolitics #trumpCoup #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpPurge #MuskCorruption #muskunelectedpower #uscoup2
#homeless #veterans #lgbtqia #transrights #agedcarefailings #medicaid #misogyny #USACrimes