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I love applied linguistics : how to identify messages and attitude embedded by stealth via language semiotics - word connotation, grammar, usage.
This should be taught in all schools at all levels.
It’s how we are manipulated.
#linguistics #language #education #schools
From a friend:
George Lakoff in the ‘90s alerted me to Atlas (the Atlas Network) in his book ‘Don’t think of an elephant’. He is a linguist and focuses on the use of language to frame an issue. The wealthy right organise to influence language, coming up with phrases that have embedded themselves into our media, eg ‘tax burden’ (= ‘tax’) and ‘tax relief’ (= ‘tax cut’). The newest phrase I have detected is ‘household recession’ ie a per capita recession. The Oz today led with a claim we are having ‘the longest household recession in history’ under Labor, which is a lie as we had a per capita recession through most of the LNP’s incumbency - that’s why interest rates were near zero for so long. Angus ‘Great job’ Taylor has adopted the new phrase. We need to fight this language creep at every opportunity, everywhere.