"People's financial well-being is being affected by #LongCovid," Fazlul said. "That's something we should care about."
Mx Verda •
Like, it’s definitely good to question authority and audit institutions. But when nurses and doctors describe my FFP3 mask as “is it because of your anxiety?”
Or when I say “I got covid and then the jab soon after” and multiple people assume I meant I got long covid from the vaccination??!!!??
I hate this crowdsourced AI regurgitated think-for-me-please bullshit.
My long covid is from, in fact, the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That’s it.
Every vaccine dose had me feel bad for like 2 days and then the weeks after, my ongoing symptoms are way fucking better jfc.
I may pay for an extra shot next month to fully cover the winter tbh.
(The best protection is for the first three months after jab, then it drops a bit but is still way, way better than nothing.
It’s just my asthma has been getting way worse so I don’t want to risk anything else going wrong if it’s within my power to prevent it.)
Who WANTS to get sick ffs?
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt
Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck •
I'm not sure how exactly, and with what data to show it, "anti-vaxxers" are a higher financial burden than Long Covid.
If you want to get real, and get to the root of the whole thing, it was the day the vaccine was released, and our trusted leader said "vax and unmask", that did more harm than any "anti-vaxxer" or supposed hoax and continues to.
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt