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Beiträge, die mit Copcity getaggt sind

This is part of the joint venture called Stargate that Trump announced yesterday. They're saying this stuff out loud now. They're literally telling us about the dystopian police/surveillance state they have planned for us. Americans are far too subservient to the rich & powerful.



Design Company for Cop City Charlotte Smashed and Gutted – Lexington, SC

January 6, 2025

On Monday morning, the employees of Boomerang Design, Lexington, South Carolina arrived to a day off work. The night before, shadowy figures broke the glass door, let themselves inside, and smashed computers, printers, phones, office equipment, audio mixers, and every flo


#Communiques #CopCity #DirectAction #NorthAmerica #SouthCarolina #StopCopCity

cont'd 2/

* private equity companies provide DeKalb County Jail, Fulton County Jail, & Atlanta City Detention Center w. commissary, communications, medical services
* profit f. detention of protesters
* other corporations profit f. increased police surveillance
* 2016+ Atlanta paid APF $3.6 million to acquire SWAT equipment, license plate readers, thousands of surveillance cameras for its biggest program, Operation Shield

#MilitarizedPolice #DefundPolice #APF #CopCity #StopCopCity #neofascism


* APF one of U.S.’ highest-revenue police foundations
* supports projects that supplement Atlanta Police Department’s $250 million budget
* watchdog organization Private Equity Stakeholder Project investigates ties betw. private equity & APF
* argue that private equity influence is at heart of planned forest conversion (Cop City)

#libertarianism #MilitarizedPolice #PoliceAccountability #DefundPolice #WealthTax #APF #PESP #CopCity #StopCopCity #Atlanta #PoliceState #neofascism

#Copcity #StopCopCity

Atlanta's Cop City "done" and expected to open Jan 2025 just in time for Trump

Years of heavy fighting prevented Cop City from opening in 2023 or 2024 but officials are now claiming to be "putting finishing touches on it" to open in the first quarter of 2024. APD is probably licking their lips about using it to train for assaulting protesters and storming people's homes with Trump taking power.

For years the chant was "if you build it we will burn it" and over and over again tough fighters did exactly that. Again and again equipment at the site went up in flames. The fires then spread nationwide to other construction sites involving the same contractors, the same equipment rental companies, or even the same investors. Even a Bank of America building and a movie studio were incinerated during this midlevel insurgency.

The enemy however committed themselves to finishing the project at any price. Their crackdowns on publicly visible protesters took place without any limitations imposed by any law whatsoever. For all this power they nearly lost ALL their concrete contractors, which would have forcibly terminated the project barring use of the US Army Corps of Engineers to pour the concrete. In the end however this courageous and inspiring insurgency appears to have been simply overpowered.

There is however one silver lining: it has taken so much police resources to defend the site that it has weakened APD everywhere else. They were forced to intensively fortify the site while it was quite literally built under fire.

This has taken a lot of cops off the street. Due to the "if you build it we will burn it" promise, this defense will probably have to continue for the entire duration of Cop City's existance. Thus, the project could end up tactically doing the same job as anarchists locking up an identical number of cops in the basements of squats! APD may have won a pyrric victory at Weelaunee Forest, and if so Tortuguita's spirit shall have the last laugh.

Image of building at Cop City

Police officers won't face charges in fatal shooting of protester Manuel Teran at Atlanta's '#CopCity'

Six troopers fired shots that resulted in Teran's death in January.

ByMark Osborne and Kiara Alfonseca
October 6, 2023

"None of the #Georgia State Police troopers involved in the fatal shooting of Manuel '#Tortuguita' Teran will face charges, according to Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit District Attorney George R. Christian.

"Teran, who used they/them pronouns, was shot and killed by police on Jan. 18 as officers raided campgrounds occupied by environmental demonstrators who had allegedly been camping out for months to protest the development of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, dubbed '#CopCity' by critics.

"According to an autopsy of Teran sent to ABC News, they did not have gunpowder residue on their hands. Officials claimed Teran fired the first shot at a state trooper. Officers then responded with gunfire.

"In Friday's announcement that no charges would be filed, Christian wrote that Teran responded to officers firing 'less lethal' pepperball rounds by 'shooting four (4) times his 9 mm pistol through the tent striking and seriously injuring a Georgia State Trooper. Six Troopers returned fire resulting in the death of Teran.'

"'The use of lethal (deadly) force by the Georgia State Patrol was objectively reasonable under the circumstances of this case,' Christian wrote. 'No criminal charges will be brought against the Georgia State Patrol Troopers involved in the shooting of Manuel Perez Teran.'

"Teran had at least 57 gunshot wounds in their body, according to the autopsy, including in the hands, torso, legs and head.

"An independent autopsy from the family found that Teran’s hands were raised during the fatal shooting, however, the DeKalb County autopsy stated, 'There are too many variables with respect to movement of the decedent and the shooters to draw definitive conclusions concerning Mr. Teran's body position.'

"The DeKalb County Medical Examiner's Office had ruled the death a homicide.

"The Georgia Attorney General's Office is conducting its own investigation into the shooting."


#StopCopCity #DefendTheForest #ACAB #DefendWeelauneeForest #Fascism #ClimateJustice #DirectAction #JusticeForTort #JusticeForTortugita #AtlantaGeorgia