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Beiträge, die mit ForensicArchitecture getaggt sind

En aquesta conversa Frank Barat i Eyal Weizman parlen de l'impacte tòxic a llarg termini sobre el medi ambient i la població de #Gaza, arran del recent informe de #ForensicArchitecture titulat "A Cartography of #Genocide". Weizman subratlla la necessitat d'una nova terminologia per descriure la naturalesa única d'aquesta forma de destrucció, i proposa el concepte de "ungrounding" que encapsula tant el genocidi com l'ecocidi.

#EyalWeizman: "What we are seeing is a systematic and organised campaign to destroy life in #Gaza"

Weizman talks with Frank Barat about the work of #ForensicArchitecture and its new report and cartographic platform, "A Cartography of Genocide."


#Palestine #oPt #CounterForensics #GazaGenocide #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #StateCrime #StateViolence #cartography


More than 50 children killed by Israeli attacks on two residential buildings in northern #Gaza. Just today.

Your are invited to stand up against #Genocide


Look at the data that Eyal Weizman and his team from #ForensicArchitecture have collected. It was provided to the legal team representing South Africa in the case of the Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip.

#uk #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #science / #university / #forensicarchitecture / #genocide

„The patterns we have observed concerning Israel’s military conduct in Gaza indicate a systematic and organised campaign to destroy life, conditions necessary for life, and life-sustaining infrastructure.“
