Beiträge, die mit Hamaswar getaggt sind
We must never forget - and never allow others to forget - that no matter how much one disagrees with #Netanyahu's conduct of the war - it was the war #Hamas wanted, it was the war Hamas started, it was the war Hamas kept going by continually firing rockets toward Israel and refusing to free hostages.
It was the #Hamaswar because if you call it anything else you legitimize what Hamas did to #Gaza and to #Israel. You legitimize #Iran's machinations and propaganda.
Hamas created the situation in Gaza. Any attempt to divide the blame between Hamas and Israel plays right into Iran's hands. You take the spotlight off a terrorist organization that exists for only one purpose and intensify the antisemitism that strengthens the Netanyahu government.
It was the #Hamaswar because if you call it anything else you legitimize what Hamas did to #Gaza and to #Israel. You legitimize #Iran's machinations and propaganda.
Hamas created the situation in Gaza. Any attempt to divide the blame between Hamas and Israel plays right into Iran's hands. You take the spotlight off a terrorist organization that exists for only one purpose and intensify the antisemitism that strengthens the Netanyahu government. Egypt floats new Israel-Hamas deal for release of hostage & extended ceasefire: Report – Firstpost #Conflicts #egypt #EgyptCeasefireProposal #EgyptNews #Gaza #GazaCeasefire #GazaCeasefireDeal #GazaCeasefireNews #GazaCeasefireProposal #GazaWar #GazaWarNews #HamasWar #Israel #IsraelHamas #IsraelHamasWar
Egypt floats new Israel-Hamas deal for release of hostage & extended ceasefire: Report – Firstpost - EUROPE SAYS
As indirect negotiations have resumed between Israel and Hamas in recent weeks, Egypt has floated a new proposalEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
L'Inverno e la Rosa: Sonetto Elettorale
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