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Beiträge, die mit Injustice getaggt sind

Take a trip back a few years and watch the movie Billy Jack. I saw it when it came out in theatres in '71.
There is so much in it that pertains with what is still going on in society today.
It's about the
and so much more.
It's easy to see the #Republican attitudes of the 70's and the similarities of today's #Republicans.
#Racism was as ugly then as it is now.
The changes we wanted never came true for us.
WTF happened?

Post Office buckpassing getting faster

It is interesting that Fujitsu are claiming that they did tell the PO about their ‘problems’ in the closing statements but kept shtum about it when evidence was being given. Not that I just any of the lying bar stewards to have been telling the truth, or at least anything they could get away with keeping quiet about.


#PostOfficeScandal #Fujitsu #Law #Horizon #Injustice #Culpability #Deaths #IT

"INTRODUCTION: The enemy has a new form. Today's wars are fought from computer consoles; climate #disinformation campaigns are planned in web conferences; decisions to deny #healthcare are codified in software.

Free and just futures demand new strategies."😎

SPECIFIC SUGGESTIONS: SIMPLE #SABOTAGE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY (The most potent tools for fighting #injustice are the ones already in your hands.)

https://specificsuggestions.com Modern #Monkeywrenching #SocialEngineering #SocialHacking
