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Beiträge, die mit Deaths getaggt sind

A study just published on Lancet on: Traumatic injury mortality in the Gaza Strip from Oct 7, 2023, to June 30, 2024
#lancet #gaza #deaths

How many people died from #COVID19? Probably more than 20 million. The World Health Organization #WHO has said member countries reported more than 7 million #deaths from COVID-19 but the true death toll is estimated to be at least three times higher. Data is no longer collected other than #wastewater. In the U.S., an average of about 900 people a week have died of COVID-19 over the past year, according to the #CDC. #publichhealth #pandemic #facts #wearamask please https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/5-years-after-it-appeared-things-we-know-and-still-dont-know-about-covid

Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Still Skyrocketing in Covid-Vaxxed Children - Global Research https://www.globalresearch.ca/red-alert-issued-excess-deaths-skyrocketing-covid-vaxxed-children/5876292
#covid #covid-19 #covid19 #covid19vaccination #vaccination #bigpharma #fraud #children #deaths #deepstate

#NewYear day was just another day of #killing for murderous #Russia and #Israel -- these global #pariahs need to be stopped and their #nefarious leaders sentenced for #crimes against humanity!
"2 #killed in Russian drone #attacks on #Kyiv on New Year's Day"
"Israel attacks #Gaza over consecutive days into new year, many #deaths reported"
#SaveUkraine #SaveGaza #SavePalestinians
NHK World News headline on 2nd January 2025 reads: "Israel attacks Gaza over consecutive days into new year, many deaths reported".
NHK World News headline reads: "2 killed in Russian drone attacks on Kyiv on New Year's Day".

The spread of American (Western) democracy in action
THIS is the true nature of the American government. Attacking a defenseless country which poses no threat to the United States, and has committed no act of war or hostility against us.

The United States government is a gangster government, filled with violent, tyrannical, garbage people.
#Pentagon #ISIS #US #american #Western #democracy #imperialism is #war #bombings #deaths for #Syria and #mankind

Les bombardiers B-52 américains bombardent actuellement la Syrie... Ils nettoient les détails pour que personne ne puisse témoigner

#syrie #usa #EL #russie #assad #actu #bombardements #imperialisme #pentagone #syrieecrasee #biden #trump


Video: Israeli father of a fallen soldier excoriates the Israeli government and top military​ f​or abusing the military to wage a heinous war.
#israel #soldiers #father #deaths #hostages #military #Netanyahu #commanders

Russia Suffers Deadliest Day of War So Far: Kyiv https://www.byteseu.com/581848/ #deaths #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #Soldiers #Ukraine
Russian soldiers

Post Office buckpassing getting faster

It is interesting that Fujitsu are claiming that they did tell the PO about their ‘problems’ in the closing statements but kept shtum about it when evidence was being given. Not that I just any of the lying bar stewards to have been telling the truth, or at least anything they could get away with keeping quiet about.


#PostOfficeScandal #Fujitsu #Law #Horizon #Injustice #Culpability #Deaths #IT