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Beiträge, die mit facts getaggt sind

#Boasberg points out again that his equitable powers as a judge do not stop at the U.S. border lines or in international airspace.

He pauses & says this is a complex question & it would be better to be arguing them on the basis of the #facts, pointing out again #DOJ didn't give them the facts.

#law #Constitution #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower #Trump #AlienEnemiesAct

Senator #ChrisMurphy, #Democrat of CT and one of the most outspoken critics of the #Trump admin, told CNN on Sunday, that “it is absolutely shameful what is happening right now,” speaking about #Trump’s efforts to *end* the #war in #Ukraine.

“The White House has become an arm of the #Kremlin,” Murphy said. “The #WhiteHouse has been pretending as if Ukraine started this war. That’s essentially saying that #Poland invaded #Germany at the beginning of WWII. There are still #facts in this world.”

This is how news article should be presented, with references to the source.

Lets all try to rise to this standard.

#democracy is more than how we vote.
#journalism #news #facts

Ukraine, The Alternate Truth

Ukraine, The Alternate Truth


A #documentary that presents the #conflict in Ukraine in a bit different light, built in a time line from 1930 until today with intent to #inform us on #historical #facts for us to build our own opinions.
Every statement is backed with real #evidence, video footage, statements, phone calls.

A must see documentary ~ For the world to see the truth!

#ukraine #ukrainian #alternate-truth #Nuland #war #history #Russia

Ukrainian nazis bragging about their role in the Maidan coup in 2014.


Far-right group at heart of Ukraine protests meet US senator – channel 4

#nazis #McCain #USA #US #NATO #imperialism #fascism #Maidan #coup #Tyahnybok

Western Media about Ukrane Before and After:

The Guardian
“Welcome to Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe”

“Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problern”

“A Ukrainian comedian-turned-president is embroiled in Trump’s impeachment Mess”

“Ukrainian president’s rule becomes increasingly corrupt, authoritarian”

#politics #Western #media #bought


Tilda Swinton


“State-perpetrated and internationally-enabled mass murder is currently actively terrorizing more than one part of our world”

#GovernmentTerrorism #Atrocity #Facts #Clarity #NameIt #Inhumane #Solidarity #Complacency #Greed #Governments #PlanetWreckers #WarCriminals

Rama Raksha Strotram: Sri Rama’s Eternal Sheild For the Devotee
#ram #ramayana #ramayanabooks #puranas #hindu #hinduism #hindumythology #spiritual #LordRam #devotion #devotional #india #explore #facts #trending #viral #blog #article #mastodon


Without a shred of evidence, Donald #Trump claims…

#journalism #cognitive #bias #facts #opinion

Read : https://write.as/p542zsjmfkc81.md

It didn't make it into our #podcast on bears, but bears do, indeed, walk on their hindlegs sometimes!

(BoP is convinced this is a bear costume as he finds it v. unsettling, but I tend to disagree, what do you think??)

For other bear #facts, check out: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/asterism-bear-creature-corner-plus/

#nature #Gif #Bear #Bears #FunFacts #Animals #Zoology #Cute

As we enter a new phase in American politics, we’re reaffirming our commitment to facts, journalism and open discourse. Our values have not changed. about.flipboard.com/inside-flipb...#Journalism #Facts #News #USPolitics

Our Commitment to Facts: Now M...

Our app may be 15 years old, but our values are timeless. They’re rooted in first principles that don’t change every four years.

We’re still here for you.


#Moderation #Misinformation #Facts #Media #SocialMedia #OpenSocialWeb #Flipboard

How many people died from #COVID19? Probably more than 20 million. The World Health Organization #WHO has said member countries reported more than 7 million #deaths from COVID-19 but the true death toll is estimated to be at least three times higher. Data is no longer collected other than #wastewater. In the U.S., an average of about 900 people a week have died of COVID-19 over the past year, according to the #CDC. #publichhealth #pandemic #facts #wearamask please https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/5-years-after-it-appeared-things-we-know-and-still-dont-know-about-covid

Exactly, just presenting #facts will not do! Maybe we need behavioral science, maybe also a bit of #sociology to understand how not only individuals process facts.

#journalism #niemanlab #factchecking

Finally, we need to embrace behavioral science. Journalism’s fight against disinformation risks irrelevance if it fails to consider how the human mind processes and reacts to both falsehoods and facts. By understanding these cognitive dynamics, we can design strategies that truly resonate and drive change.

We all get taught that "communication is a two-way street".

But what if they understood all along but hope to get a different answer by asking again?

"Don't hate the player", then how to play the game?

[~5min read]


#blog #storygator #selftalk #facts #business

"Equally everytime we watch or read #newsmedia or someone on the #media making a case we don’t want to spend time reading around to judge for ourselves whether the #facts being stated are true or not. That is the job of #mediaorganisations, and we need #mediaregulators ro make sure they do that job

mainly macro: #FreedomofSpeech and #MediaRegulation

Denialism isn't a political stance, it's a philosophical one. That's why both right- and left-wing people indulge in it.

Anybody who can be convinced that something is true against evidence otherwise is wide open to being convinced regarding denialism — of anything. HIV/AIDS, COVID, transgender, sexism, racism, etc.

Which is why political efforts to defeat denialism will never work. The only way to defeat it is through education, from kindergarten up. All age groups, all the time.

#Denialism #Climate #Racism #Bigotry #Sexism #Hate #Health #Religion #Science #Facts #Education


Kids are not terrorists.
Australian UN expert lashes out at Netanyahu, shuts up Israeli with facts & their benefits by mentioning the advantage that Israel has taken during decades long wars where Israel has not done its duty, ignored human suffering & allowed UNWRA stand for the help they should have taken responsibility for themselves.

#Israel #facts #war #warcrimes #australia #un #politics