Beiträge, die mit Jabalia getaggt sind
Huge and successive explosions in the areas east and west of #Jabalia camp, resulting from the detonation of a number
The occupation forces blow up residential homes west of Jabalia camp, north of Gaza
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine group @israel group
- This morning, the zionist enemy committed a brutal massacre against the Aloush family by targeting their home in Jabalia in northern Gaza,
#Communiques #AlAqsaFlood #gaza #jabalia #palestine #pflp #WestAsia
Zwecks Dokumentation. Sonst ohne weiteren Kommentar.
Le chef de la diplomatie européenne a condamné ce lundi avec fermeté les dernières frappes israéliennes à #Jabalia et alerte contre le risque imminent de famine dans la bande de #Gaza.
Les mots « #NettoyageEthnique » sont de plus en plus employés quant à la situation dans le nord de la bande de Gaza, où Israël mène une offensive terrestre, a dénoncé lundi le chef de la diplomatie européenne #JosepBorrell.
#ÉtatVoyou #RogueState #EthnicalCleasing
#RevueDePresse #Press
Guerre à Gaza : Josep Borrell dénonce une violation du droit international
Le chef de la diplomatie européenne a condamné ce lundi avec fermeté les dernières frappes israéliennes à Jabalia et alerte contre le risque imminent de famine dans la bande de avec AFP (Sud Ouest)
"In Jabalia as dawn broke, “there was a very huge explosion… When we arrived here, all the bodies were torn apart”, said Abdullah al-Najjar, a relative of the victims
The Alloush family home was being used as “a shelter for people during intensified bombing, but they all died”, he said."
13 children were among those massacred.
#Gaza #Palestine #genocide
LIVE: Israel hammers Gaza, Lebanon with women and children again victimised
Dozens killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza and Lebanon as the killing of children and women continues.Urooba Jamal (Al Jazeera)
#Israel #Gaza #NorthernGaza #Jabalia
Tientallen doden bij Israëlisch bombardement op Jabalia
In dit blog houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
#Știri #Palestina #Gaza ##Jabalia #Terorism
Orientul Mijlociu. SUA și UK au bombardat depozite de arme ale rebelilor houthi, în capitala Yemenului. În Fâșia Gaza, medicii susțin că zeci de palestinieni au murit, într-un atac israelian asupra orașului Jabalia. - Biziday
Postul de televiziune Al Masirah, condus de gruparea rebelă Houthi din Yemen, a raportat nouă raiduri aeriene asupra capitalei Sana’a și a guvernoratuluiAuras Rosu (Biziday)
#IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelTerroristState #genocide #Gaza #warcrimes
#Știri #Palestina ##Jabalia #FâșiaGaza
Zeci de morți și răniți într-un raid israelian în Jabalia, în nordul Fâșiei Gaza
Un raid israelian asupra unei case din Jabalia, în nordul Fâșiei Gaza, s-a soldat cu zeci de morți și răniți în zorii zilei de duminică, potrivitRedacția (G4media)
#gaza #jabalia #kamaladwan #who #icj #icc #ihl
🔴 The Middle East Monitor #update:
Source: MEMO
#Israel #Gaza #NorthGaza #Jabalia #ethniccleansing #starvation #genocide
Mensenrechtenexperts waarschuwen voor etnische zuivering in noorden Gaza
Het noorden van Gaza is al bijna een maand belegerd door het Israëlische leger. De honderdduizenden Palestijnse bewoners worden gedwongen uit het gebied te vertrekken.Eliane Lamper (NOS Nieuws)
UNICEF’s director Catherine Russell said it was another example of “the grave consequences of indiscriminate strikes on civilians”.
She added that the entire population of northern Gaza was at “imminent risk of death from disease, famine and ongoing bombardment”.
#Jabalia #CiviliansTargeted #UNICEFtargeted #Israel #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #PoloVaccination #Retaliation
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She highlighted the need for all children to be protected under international humanitarian #law and urged for an immediate #ceasefire to ensure life-saving emergency aid can reach Gaza safely and without hindrance”
Three #Palestinian children who survived a recent #Israeli #attack on their homes in #Jabalia.