Beiträge, die mit Spotted getaggt sind
4 women (20s?) in retail uniforms are talking after a long day. One says firmly: "We're all too salty. I think we should go have a chill moment in nature to calm down." Later seen relaxing together in a park.
A VERY indignant dog (Vizla) is sitting in a van under a shady tree. Indignant Dog is managing a world class censorious stare and single disgruntled "woofs" through the van's open window. His human comes over for a pat and the guilt trip intensifies. No patting of Indignant Dog! He is indignant!
A grinning woman (30s?) says to a friend: "Did I tell you I've got your wedding speech written."
Her friend asks: "Any of it safe for my Nan to hear?"
Grinning Woman says: "Most of it."
Her friend snorts: "You definitely DO NOT have my wedding speech written."
A group of sunburned men (20s?) are talking about authenticity in life. One says earnestly: "You can't be hack if you just be yourself."
His friend wryly retorts: "Unless you ARE hack. Then maybe be someone else." (Later seen buying apology nachos for his mate.)
A woman (20s?) sitting with friends bursts into tears. A stranger (50s?) asks: "Do you want to hold my dog?" On a yes, she hands over a fluffy Pekingese with a pink-tongued grin. The mood promptly lightens. Small dog cuddles save the day!
Any typos spotted would like a fluffy dog to cuddle, and even if you think they're hack sometimes, buy them some nachos, because they're your mate, and ya love 'em.
Two small human strangers (3?) meet at a basket of toys. Before long, they're race car drivers, vroom vrooming cars along the floor. Who will win?! All too soon it's time to go. They hug each other goodbye. A tiny happy memory made.
A man (60s?) leans towards his partner, expression pure mischief. "What d'ya call the rear end of a clown?"
His partner sighs: "Do I want to know?"
He grins: "Hilarious in hindsight!"
She points to the door: "Go sit outside and have a good hard think about yourself."
He cackles.
A tiny human (1?) in a dinosaur onesie is scooting along under his mum's table, enraptured by the sight of so many piggy wiggies. His mum moves her toes and he shrieks excitedly, only to huff puff with happiness when his Gran moves hers. What are these wondrous toe beasties?!
A woman (20s?) in a flowing white dress is in line for coffee. She says earnestly to a friend: "Did I tell you I killed all my strawberries?... Is there such a thing as a plant serial killer?"
Two men (40s?) are deep in corporate chat when one says loudly: "Just so you know. I don't think the Imodium's working." The other asks if he want's to go, but he says: "No. I'll keep on track." He then launches into a droning monologue. His colleague more nervous by the second.
Any typos spotted in this post have discovered the ultimate corporate meeting power move. If spotted, please distract them by wiggling your piggy wiggies.
A burly man (70s?) with a Canadian accent is talking to a friend. He says: "You know, some people come here for the beautiful scenery, but I'm here to look at the tractors!"
A woman (60s?) is ambling along a footpath, wearing a propeller hat. As she passes a shop, someone calls out a greeting and, grinning, she bows her head and spins the propeller. Laughter follows in her wake.
A small human (5?) is attempting to scale a mighty climbing frame. Her mum is supervising, unfazed by Small Human's technique which involves roaring: "I CAN'T DO THIS MUM. I CAN'T! IT'S SCARY!" While insisting on going higher when Mum wryly suggests that coming down is always an option.
A woman (50s?) in a purple dress is talking to friends. She says: "My approach with all this is to waft all over the place. I might waft over here to the veges. Then waft over there to the churros. It's all about what the mood, you know. Especially with the churros."
A woman (30s?) has just brought 3 madeleines at a patisserie stall. Her partner (30s?) picks up the bag and says: "Yum!"
She scowls: "They're for LATER!"
He shakes his head: "Nope. Gotta eat 'em now. They'll definitely go off. It's the RIGHT thing to do." He pops one in his mouth and grins.
Any typos spotted in this post are a variety of Rational Pastry Muncher. If spotted, please ignore their tendency to gobble any nearby pastries. And maybe don't mind the crumbs. There will be many.
A woman (50s?) in a denim jacket and hiking boots is sitting at a public piano, a far away look on her face as she plays the theme from the movie Amélie. A backpack and walking poles at her side.
A small human (4?) is regaling her dad with a story. She says: "Once upon a time there was a little girl who ate an ice cream and then she got another one. And then A MONKEY CAME!" Dad shows appreciation for this shock ending, but doesn't seem to be getting her subtle hints about the ice cream.
A man (30s?) is standing in the middle of his front garden drinking a coffee as he looks at a newly mulched flower bed. He expression is content. He's wearing pajamas, his feet bare. His small white dog snuffling at a nearby aniseed plant, tail alert.
A woman (50s?) is talking to a friend in front of a gnocchi truck. She says: "We had the last kid leave for uni a few weeks ago and I'd forgotten how great it is to be naked around my own house! What are clothes? I don't need them any more!" Her friend laughs.
A tiny human (2?) in a green fairy dress is eating a slice of pizza with her pinky finger stuck in the air. Being a refined fairy, she will eat this pizza with the decorum it deserves. Meanwhile her brother (4?) has cheerfully mashed his slice into his face and is asking for seconds.
Any typos spotted in this post are looking for a nice bench to sit and enjoy some unexpected piano music while eating their ice cream.
At a country market: Two small humans (3 & 5?) are inspecting a flower press. The older glances over her shoulder at a nearby shrub. The younger looks speculatively at her big sister. She asks: "Mum, can we put PEOPLE in there?"
A small human (4?) is glancing over a market stall selling possum fur willie warmers. He picks up a pink one and says: "Nana, what's this?" Without missing a beat Nana says wryly: "Wishful thinking." Small human seems satisfied with this answer and moves on to the toys.
An American tourist (30s?) is excitedly talking to a local. She says: "My card didn't work when I paid for coffee and can you believe they told me to pay when I go in tomorrow? I mean, I'm going to, but who does that?" The Kiwi shrugs and says: "Makes sense."
A man (30s?) in business casual walks into a bistro at the end of a hot day. He sits at the bar, rests his head on his hands and asks the owner for wine in a mug. She laughs: "Mug wine? Yum! You want any in particular?" He says: "Whatever you wanna give me."
2 tourists (20s?) are in line for a pie truck. When the 1st orders in a broad Yorkshire accent, the 2nd asks where she's from. It turns out they both live on the same street in York, but have never met. Excited conversation follows.
The typos are somewhat sleepy after being prevented from driving to Christchurch yesterday by a bush fire, discovered 3 hours in. If spotted, please give typos a nice pie and a mug of wine.
A small human (3?) in fairy wings is pedalling a tiny trike. Her feet are whirring at the pedals, her expression is pure determination. It's got one gear but she's giving it all she's got. Important fairy business awaits and she will NOT be late.
On a walking track, the air rings with a great GRHNHHHHAGH noise. Is it a dramatic cow bellow? A Warg mating call? Seconds later a runner (50s?) comes into view and calls out cheerfully: "Sorry about the dying noises just then!" before continuing on their way.
A woman parks up at an oval in a pretty valley. A small human (4?) on the other side of the oval notices her and roars: "AUNTIE EVA!" The excitement is tangible. Small human is now sprinting and Auntie Eva meets her half way, scooping her up for a big cuddle.
At a picnic area by a riverbend a large group have set up a volleyball net. People shouting and laughing. And in the middle, a woman in a white lacy (wedding?) dress jumps up to belt the ball. Their cheers echo over the water.
A man (60s?) in a suit is walking a poodle along a riverside path. Poodle is trotting jauntily. Meanwhile her human looks like he's had a big day, but from the gentle smile he's giving his wee dog, it may be improving.
Any typos spotted in this post are pedalling as fast as they can to get to the park at the end of the street. If typos spotted, please don't mind their GRHNHHAGH noise and maybe give them a big cuddle of encouragement.
A man (30s?) is shepherding four small humans (3?) in fairy costumes down the street. It's starting to rain, and he's trying to huddle them all under a pink unicorn umbrella, but they're having none of it. Nothing's gonna dampen their sparkle!
In a cafe: A server (20s?) asks a woman (50s?) in a red hat if she's ready to order.
Red Hat Woman: "Definitely! I'm hungry enough to eat the arse out of an elephant!"
Server (Sighing tragically): "Sorry, we sold out this morning."
Red Hat Woman: "Damn! How about a coffee then?"
Three post-apocalyptic punks (late teens?) in vintage leather and top hats decorated in found objects walk into a bubble tea cafe. Two of them order milk tea. One goes for lychee. They huddle up, chatting and laughing around a tiny table.
A man (70s) is talking to a friend: "Interesting fact! Pink Floyd used to travel with all the gear to do a gig anywhere." He smiles dreamily. "Imagine that. It's 1975 and you see them doing a gig on the side of the road. It'd be magic. Just... magic."
In a cafe: A woman (80s?) offers to show some small humans (2 & 4?) how to make pirate hats while their mum feeds their new sister. She soon has them folding paper, picking pirate names and going ARGHH. She says: "I was a school teacher for 40 years. You never lose it!"
Any typos spotted in this post are trying to make a pirate hat. Their pirate name is Captain Umlaut Ampersand, Scourge of the Qwerty Keyboard. (ARGHHH)
Three women (50s?) have set up easels on the sand and are quietly chatting as they paint. One's doing a vibrant water colour. One's going for acrylics. One hasn't started yet, but is drinking a glass of wine, grinning at the view.
A man and woman (70s?) are seated on camp chairs with their feet up on a driftwood log. They're both engrossed in their paperbacks, a low table of cheese and nibbles at their side. One's reading Mantel, the other le Carré. A breeze ruffling their hair.
A man with long curly hair (20s) runs out of the surf, trots up the beach and takes up a post over the top of his snoozing partner. He then shakes his hair, water droplets going everywhere. Shrieking, laughing and chasing ensues.
A big family arrives. Chilly bins, picnic rugs and beach toys are unpacked, followed by a portable pizza oven. People are laughing, bickering and playing. And in the middle stands a man (40s?) in board shorts and a bucket hat. He has one job, to make the pizzas. (They smell delicious.)
Two small humans (5 and 6?) and their Nan (60s?) have embarked on an epic driftwood hideout building project. Small humans are stacking armfuls of sticks, then doing little victory dances, Nan's going for a load bearing pillar. Avant-garde architecture is underway!
Any typos spotted in this post have decided that the best medium to paint with is a glass of wine. If typos spotted, please top up their glass and enjoy the view.
A serious looking woman (40s?) asks a florist: "Do you have any flowers that say 'you shit me, but I love you anyway?"
The florist pauses, looks thoughtful, then nods decisively. "Yeah. I think I can manage that."
A tiny human (2?) is toddling next to his mum when he sees some celery tops poking out of someone's bag. Suddenly he's on a mission. Celery tops are the thing he wants to touch THE MOST in the whole world. Mum's saying no, but this is celery. This is IMPORTANT.
A small human (5?) in a batman costume has been caught with his family in the rain. Mum, Dad and Sister are looking very put out, but small human is beaming, arms outstretched. He is Batman! Rain is no obstacle! Batman is impervious to weather!
A man (80s?) with an epic soup strainer moustache is talking to a friend at a coffee cart: "You ever feel the need to create mayhem, mate?"
His friend (60s?) shrugs. "Sometimes. Depends."
Mayhem Man grins. "That's how I feel now." He stirs four sugars into his cappuccino.
Two women (30s?) are stealing a smooch behind a bakery truck. It's pouring with rain but they're snuggled together under an umbrella. Bags of vegetables at their feet getting wet but they don't care. A tiny perfect moment.
Any typos spotted in this post are rather bedraggled after getting gasping for a cup of tea. If spotted please give them some flowers to admire, preferably arranged by the most unflappable florist in the universe.
At a cafe counter, a small human (3?) is doing a silent but VERY enthusiastic interpretive dance to draw attention to the cake display. Arms are flailing, fingers pointing, body squirming, expression determined as she looks at Mum. CAAAKE!
A man (80s?) in a flat cap and a blue corduroy jacket spots another man (70s?) walking towards him in the street and calls out: "Well, hello young man! You look like a hoodlum as usual." Only to get a: "Hello you old codger. Nice to see you're not dead yet!" Guffaws ensue.
At the beach, a woman (20s?) in an orange bikini is flopped in a noodly fashion over a big round rock, sunning herself. Meanwhile a group of small humans are investigating the nearby rockpools for important scientific discoveries. Calling out their finds.
Two small humans (4 & 5?) are inspecting a display of water lilies for sale. A sign next to the lily pond says: "No touching the fish!" Both small humans are hovering their hands over the water, fingers twitching. The temptation is excruciating but they're showing admirable restraint.
A man (30s?) and a small human (4?) are playing soccer in a park. Small human's running with the ball! He's holding the ball! Dad's telling him it's a foul! Small human's rolling on the ground! An injury to the pride! Surely this will be a penalty for Dad's team!
Any typos spotted in this post REALLY want to touch the fish. If spotted, please give them cake. Cake solves everything.
A small human (6?) is helping his dad pick out a hand-forged knife. As his dad and the smith talk about forging techniques, small human is jumping on the spot: "Dad! Dad! Dad! You could KILL MONSTERS with this one! Dad! MONSTERS! Dad!"
A busking jazz pianist is hunched over his keyboard, fingers dancing in an epic freestyle riff. His eyes are closed in concentration and a euphoric smile is on his face. The music's with him today.
A man (60s?) and his grandson (4?) are drinking hot chocolates and eating gingerbread men. When small human bites the head off of his gingerbread man, Grandad makes a loud screaming noise. Small human is most disgruntled. Grandad wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.
A small human (5?) is looking at stationery. Her face is screwed up in agonizing indecision over what to buy. Will it be the sparkly pen or the coloured pencils? She will NOT be rushed by Mum. This decision is important!
A stocky man (50s) is leaving a dairy (corner store) with 2 large milk bottles. He's walking home, doing bicep curls with them as he goes. Past the bus stop, past people exiting a small church. Pumping milk is tough-guy business and he's the man to do it.
Any typos spotted in this post are hunting a rare Ampersand Munchbeast. If typos spotted, please make sure they have at least one set of Munchbeast containment brackets on them, and maybe some throwing asterisks for good measure. It pays to be prepared.
Two psychics have been given stalls on either side of a small community hall. One has a customer and is intensely giving a reading. The other is watching on from the other side of the hall, shuffling tarot cards, expression pointedly pensive.
A small human (4) is speaking to the owner of a crochet teddy stall. He is earnestly explaining that their teddies are nice, but his bear is much better because it's his. He then holds out his very well-loved bear to show them.
A man (60s?) is at a table covered in vintage, well-loved Matchbox cars. This is a precious collection and when asked, he says: "I'm sellin' the whole lot." and watches with a smile when a small human is enraptured by a Lamborghini.
A man (50s?) is inspecting a fresh potato stall. A tiny Chihuahua is nestled in a woven bag slung over his shoulder with its head just poking out, sniffing all the smells.
A small human (3?) is standing with a tiny puppy (poodle?) Tiny puppy wants to make friends and is wagging its tail with the power of a miniature turbine, its button eyes shining. Small human wants to make friends by roaring: "I HAVE A PUPPY" at anyone who smiles in her direction.
Any typos spotted in this post were caused by this cat who triggered a cacophony of pspspsps from the audience waiting to see a band last night. This cat did not care for the lure of pspsps. It was a proximity creature (as are the typos) and wished to be adored from afar.
A man (40s) and a horde of small humans are engaged in a fight-to-the-soggiest water pistol war in a shady garden. There are roars, squeals, cackles and a loud exclamation of: "THAT'S NOT IN THE RULES! MUUUM!"
A soft spoken woman (60s?) is in line for ice cream. Taking a sheet of paper from her bag, she says to her friend: "For 2025, I've written down 5 things to say if people are rude to me. So when it happens, I can take out this sheet and read one to them."
Her friend smiles encouragingly.
Two men (50s?) meet at a coffee cart. They stand silently, side by side, surveying traffic as they drink their coffees. After around 5 minutes, one says: "Cool. Nice seein' ya mate."
The other says: "Likewise."
They walk off in separate directions. Socialized to the max.
A teenager (17?) is navigating the footpath with admirable swagger. He's got the sideways baseball cap. The low-slung jeans. The neatly ironed 2Pac T-shirt and a clank of silver chains. He veers into a toy shop and heads for the board game section. Terraforming Mars is where it's at.
A man (50s?) with his belongings strapped to his back is cycling past a punch of outdoor cafe tables. He sneezes loudly and at least 3 people call out: "Bless You!"
He looks over his shoulder with a grin: "You're welcome!" then cycles off.
All typos spotted in this post are triumphantly and gleefully dancing on the desiccated remains of 2024. (Happy New Year!)
A woman (20s?) is hitchhiking on a daisy strewn stretch of road. She's wearing a safari hat, pantaloons and bare feet. A car full of women with packs in the back pulls over. Grinning she gets in.
A busker (20s) in flowing clothes with a bohemian beard is strumming a guitar and singing softly on a public stage in a tiny, empty park. His audience is a solitary seagull, who is standing on one foot and looks suspiciously like a music critic. Busker is totally chill about this.
A small human (5?) sitting in a cafe. All around her adults are talking of meditation retreats and what type of pizza they're going to order. But not small human. She's colouring in a picture of a pony with meticulous detail, completely centered, completely in the zone.
A woman (20s?) with vivid blue hair and an intense air is talking to another (20s?) with Pre-Raphaelite flowing locks and a kind smile. Blue Hair Woman says "We will get coffee and find the light. I HAVE to draw you."
At a spotless public loo a jetlagged American tourist (50s?) leaves a cubicle with her pants still undone. She looks at the waiting queue in horror and says "Oh no. I'm so tired. I thought I was home!" A local says kindly "Don't worry Darl, we've all been there."
Any typos spotted in this post were spontaneously manifested by this weka who understands the power of no. If spotted please marvel from a distance and don't mind the pang of being bird snubbed.
A small human (3) dressed as a fairy with sparkly pink wings and a tutu socks her big brother (6?) in the ribs for an undetermined provocation. The ref (Mum) calls time out, but Fairy Pugilist is unrepentant.
A man in board shorts is gingerly walking barefoot across a beach carpark on a hot day, wincing and muttering: "Shit. shit. shit. shit." under his breath with each step.
His partner calls from their car: Do you want your jandals? (flip flops)
He replies stoically: Nah. I can take it.
A small human (5?) in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle T-shirt is treating the footpath as his own personal catwalk. His hands are on his hips. He is serving face. And the walk is everything. He. Is. Fashion.
In a beach car park, a serious man is sitting next to a serious dog in a Suzuki Swift. They are both staring out the window, seeking the optimal parking spot. They will not rest until their job is done.
At a bus stop, a man (40s) with his belonging sitting in a shopping trolley sits next to a smartly dressed woman (60s). She opens a large box of strawberries and offers him one.
Any typos spotted in this post would like to offer an immense amount of gratitude to all the wonderful people who supported them yesterday for their Patreon launch. (Seriously, huge thanks. It meant a LOT. You guys are amazing.) If typos spotted, please don't poke or they'll multiply aggressively.
A man (20s) in full 80s romantic goth regalia is strutting down the street in the sunshine, grooving to his own personal soundtrack as he pulls a folding shopping trolley full of vegetables behind him.
A suited man (50s?) has decided to conduct his employee's performance review next to the door of a busy cafe. A nearby table of seniors compete to pull gurning faces at the back of Boss's head. Employee is showing signs of extreme strain as he tries not to laugh.
A woman (50s) is sitting at a corner table by a window. She's quietly and efficiently working on a pile of Christmas cards. Some involve writing on every single blank surface inside and on the back. Some involve a few brisque words with the card being immediately tucked out of sight.
A woman walks past a bookshop with a friend. She groans and laughs as she rubs her tummy: "I think I need an intervention. I've gotta stop eating Christmas cookies! I keep telling myself it's just one more and it's never just one more!"
A woman (60s?) stops another (30s?) in the street. "Excuse me. I just wanted to say I LOVE what you're wearing. I saw you coming and needed to let you know. You look AMAZING." Other Woman looks at her floral red dress, flustered but visibly pleased: "Thank you. I just brought it yesterday."
Any typos spotted in this post are seeking an endless box of Christmas cookies. If spotted, please give cookies and run away quickly.
A small human (2) has been told that kite flying time is over. It's tea time. As Dad packs up the kite, Small Human does his best cloak (towel) wrapped dying swan performance on the sand at Mum's feet. The drama. Is. Everything.
Two young humans (11?) have drawn a diabolically complicated race track in the sand with sharp curves and spots that require (not so) perilous leaps. They READYSTEADYGO! and launch into action, only to trip over each other on the first bend, laying on their backs, howling with laughter.
An entire family bolts after a beach umbrella that tumbles end over end as it makes a spirited escape towards the dunes. They catch it triumphantly after Dad makes a desperate rugby tackle and saves the day.
Two small humans (7?) are patrolling the beach drawing circles in the sand around every bluebottle they find. There are a lot today and their mission is mighty. Once they draw their circles they write BE CAREFUL in their best neat writing. They've done over twenty so far.
A young human (8?) is creating a mighty driftwood fort around his beach towel, from where he can lurk in his new lair and inform everyone nearby that they MOST DEFINITELY CAN NOT COME IN! His teen sister calmly collects a bucket of water and tips it over the top. Outraged howls ensue.
Any typos spotted in this post are full of fish and chips. If spotted please ignore the dying swan act when you tell them it's time to go home.