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Beiträge, die mit Toxic getaggt sind

Telegram’s Algorithms promote Extremist
Content. :telegram:

Telegram’s [Similar Channels] feature, recommends extremist channels even when users browse channels on nonpolitical topics such as celebrities or technology, according to a report by the U.S. legal advocacy organization Southern Poverty Law Center.


#telegram #similar #channels #toxic #socialmedia #it #engineer #media #technology #news
“A broad variety of extremist groups and individuals, including neo-Nazis, antisemites, conspiracy theorists, Proud Boys, QAnon influencers and others, are now operating openly on Telegram, spreading propaganda, recruiting new adherents and forming communities,” the researchers said.

To understand how extremist channels are recommended on the app, the SPLC created a list of 300 English-language, U.S.-centric Telegram channels supporting various extremist ideologies, including white nationalism, neo-Nazism, neo-Confederate movements, antigovernment conspiracies and propaganda.

They found that even users who choose to consume extremist content from one ideology [such as antigovernment conspiracies or election disinformation] are often “suggested” channels from unrelated extremist ideologies, including antisemitism or white nationalism.

The #plastic paradox: How plastics went from #elephant saviors to eco-villains

Do the benefits of plastics outweigh the costs?

January 23, 2024

"It was 1869, and something needed to be done.

"With the price of #ivory skyrocketing, billiard ball manufacturers were scrambling for an alternative. The prized material derived from #ElephantTusks was being used to craft such things as knife handles, piano keys, dice, dominoes, chessmen, and yes, billiard balls. Now, with elephants growing scarce from overhunting, the wonder material was becoming difficult to procure and unreasonably expensive. After all, one tusk would yield just four or five balls. Leading pool table manufacturer Phelan and Collender offered $10,000 ($225,000 today) to any inventor who could discover a replacement for ivory.

"Albany inventor John Wesley Hyatt answered the call, molding together camphor, nitrocellulose, and alcohol under extreme pressure. His concoction, called #celluloid, was one of the first synthetic plastics. While Hyatt’s creation proved an unwieldy material for billiard balls — insufficiently durable and mildly explosive when struck — it inspired others to formulate something better. A few decades later, American chemist Leo Baekeland came up with the petroleum-derived #Bakelite. It became the first commercially successful synthetic plastic, and very likely saved elephants from extinction.

"More than a century later, this story has morphed into an intriguing irony…With their creation, plastics probably saved countless species — both plants and animals — from extinction. Derived from byproducts of #FossilFuel production, which had previously gone unused, the invention of synthetic plastics meant that humans no longer had to pillage the living #NaturalWorld to produce various products for a technologically advancing global society. Fast-forward to today: Plastics are demonized for eroding the environment and endangering human health, prompting many to wonder if we’d be better off without them."

Read more / listen:

#Health #Plastic
#Toxic #ToxicChemicals #Environment #Microplastic #Pollution #Paradox

→ Why the #Guardian is no longer posting on X

“#X is a #toxic #media platform and […] its owner Elon #Musk has been able to use its influence to shape political discourse”

“we can do this because our business model does not rely on #viral content tailored to the whims of the #social media giants’ #algorithms
↳Yes. Fake news, polarization, and controversial content are largely the results of the #ad and #privacy harvesting #business model

cc @mediapart