Beiträge, die mit UkLaw getaggt sind
Election manifesto promise to set up specialist tribunals to deal with huge backlog of cases has been put on hold.
I suppose it is not their fault - they didn’t have anyone at any level in the party who understood the problems.
#UkPolitics #UkLaw #Rape #PromisesPromises
#UKPolitics #UKLaw #ChurchOfEngland
Real Bread Campaign makes trading standards complaint over marketing by Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Lidl and Co-op #uklaw Australia had a similar case under consumer law a while back. #auslaw #advertising
Proposed smoking ban would improve UK public health – but tobacco industry opposition could be a major roadblock
A previous attempt to introduce such a ban in the Philippines was struck down by an industry-funded lawsuit.The Conversation