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Health charities welcome Sunak’s plan to curb smoking in England https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/oct/04/health-charities-welcome-sunaks-plan-to-curb-smoking-in-england PM’s aim to gradually increase age at which people can buy cigarettes described as ‘incredibly positive step forward’. #smoking #UKlaw #UKpol #tobacco #tobaccoendgame
Australia watching England smoking ban 'with interest', as government reforms tobacco laws https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-05/australia-watching-england-smoking-ban-with-interest/102938846 via @ABCaustralia #smoking #UKlaw #UKpol #tobacco #tobaccoendgame #auspol #auslaw

Matthew Rimmer hat dies geteilt

Didn’t New Zealand already do this? We’re falling behind….
Yes NZ has introduced smoke-free generation laws. Australia has declined to follow that option thus far...
it’s such a good idea. There is no justification for allowing the next generation to suffer the same needless addiction.
how are they going to police this over decades without mass surveillance and/or ID cards?

Say I'm twenty five and the age limit is twenty six... 🤔
age based rules are less than useless. Ban vapes altogether or at the least by prescription from a pharmacy and just tax the crap out of tobacco. Cigarettes are extraordinarily cheap in Europe.
Sunak is right to phase out smoking – but the real problem now is vaping. Why is he dragging his feet on that? | Gaby Hinsliff https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/05/rishi-sunak-smoking-vapes-cigarettes-children-nicotine #uklaw #ukpol #vaping #smoking

Matthew Rimmer hat dies geteilt