Health charities welcome Sunak’s plan to curb smoking in England PM’s aim to gradually increase age at which people can buy cigarettes described as ‘incredibly positive step forward’. #smoking #UKlaw #UKpol #tobacco #tobaccoendgame
Matthew Rimmer •
Australia watching England smoking ban 'with interest', as government reforms tobacco laws
Jake Evans (ABC News)Matthew Rimmer hat dies geteilt
Caspar Fairhall •
Matthew Rimmer •
Matthew Rimmer •
#UKlaw #UKpol #tobacco #tobaccoendgame #auspol
#auslaw #nzlaw #nzpol
Matthew Rimmer hat dies geteilt
Kay Lam-MacLeod •
Mark Hughes •
Say I'm twenty five and the age limit is twenty six... 🤔
WayneLongbottom •
Matthew Rimmer •
Matthew Rimmer hat dies geteilt