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Beiträge, die mit freestore getaggt sind

Migrating back here from my previous, now-defunct, account @nix@social.stlouist.com. if you know me please boost so I can reconnect with followers.

This is a good time for an #introduction I suppose.

I'm an #educator from #stl that firmly believes in decentralized self organization, such as #anarchism, #socialecology, #solarpunk, or #librarysocialism.

Also I'm a big #urbanism and #foss nerd and #ebike commuter. I'm very involved in the local #freestore and trying to help organize larger #postcapitalist ventures.

extremely late response but I just saw this under the hashtag #freestore. We give some things to other mutual aid groups, keep some things for the next popup, and give everything else to a thrift store. The thrift store isn't ideal but we figure that's where the stuff would go without us, so if we have no other use it's neutral.

Does anyone out there run a #freeshop #freestore #verschenkeladen or #umsonstladen?

How do you deal with 'unwanted' items? Do you sell any items?