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Beiträge, die mit indiepub getaggt sind

"[With DEBRA LEE WON'T BREAK] we decided my husband would not be involved in the publishing part. He is writing his own books now and has other interests. While it is the right decision for us, it made self-publishing look even more bleak. And when my attempts at traditional publishing didn’t pan out, I felt a little … bereft."

Read more to find out how I turned things around and why I'm now so, so excited to be self-publishing my first novel!


#books #indiepub #blog

Some real numbers related to self-publishing a book 3 weeks post release:

My books are avail in wide distribution, as ebook & in print.

This is my 9th published novel.

Production costs: approx $5,000 includes editing, cover art, book bub new release email, SFWA new release email, & netgalley x 1 mo.

I am able to do print/ebook formatting, so no cost.

ebooks sold since 2/10: 115
print books sold: 25

Total earnings to date: $465.00


#IndiePub @indieauthors