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Beiträge, die mit jail getaggt sind

Stopping Unnecessary Jail Expansion with Decarcerate Sacramento


Decarcerate Sacramento is again preparing to mobilize against the Main Jail expansion on February 26 when Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will be reviewing recommendations for the next stage of the $2 BILLION jail expansion, and the community needs to show up and fight back!

#DecarcerateSacramento #ActionAlert #SacramentoCountyJails #Neglect #Lawsuit #PrisonIndustrialComplex #Decarcerate #Jail

“Britain's two-tier justice system”

by Another Angry Voice on Substack

“There's a huge disparity between the lengthy sentences for the Zoom call environmental activists and greedy landowners repeatedly descending on London to demand inheritance tax breaks for themselves”


#Press #UK #Britain #TwoTier #Justice #JusticeSystem #JustStopOil #Zoom #ThoughtCrime #LandOwners #InheritanceTax #Jail