Beiträge, die mit milannic getaggt sind Romania’s far-right, pro-Russian lurch spells big trouble for EU and NATO – POLITICO #AndrejBabis #borders #CalinGeorgescu #corruption #democracy #elections #ElenaLasconi #europe #Extremism #GeorgeSimion #Georgia #hungary #MaiaSandu #MarcelCiolacu #media #MilanNič #Moldova #populism #rights #RobertFico #romania #Russia #SiegfriedMuresan #slovakia #ThanasisBakolas #TraianBăsescu #Ukraine #UnitedStates #ViktorOrbán #VladimirPutin #war
Romania’s far-right, pro-Russian lurch spells big trouble for EU and NATO – POLITICO - EUROPE SAYS
Reformist Elena Lasconi, who will face him in the runoff on Dec. 8, is directly warning that RomaniansEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)