Beiträge, die mit newpipe getaggt sind
- #SherpaTTS levels up the #TextToSpeech #FOSS game
- #OrganicMaps is even more user focused
- #Tubular is live, a #NewPipe fork that knows tricks
Get the full story on more than 153 apps at
Hearing your device speak | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
This Week in F-DroidTWIF curated on Thursday, 06 Feb 2025, Week 6Community NewsFrom a prolific FOSS dev @woheller69 we now have another app, SherpaTTS,
- F-Droid Client & Basic 1.22.0 are out (dare to update!)
- #webxdc is spreading its tentacles
- #dolphinemulator has a huge update
- #newpipe brings one fix, one still missing
- Catshare unifies device-to-device sharing
All these and news about 154 more apps at
Refresh your home-screen | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
This Week in F-DroidTWIF curated on Thursday, 30 Jan 2025, Week 5F-Droid coreF-Droid and F-Droid Basic were updated to 1.22.0 stable, but not yet ‘suggested’
„Tubular“ – IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
A fork of NewPipe, a free lightweight YouTube frontend for Android.IzzyOnDroid App Repo
Open source multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube
nvidious kommen wohl nich tmehr hinterherWas zumindest mobil mit Android für YT schon sehr lange erstaunlich gut funktioniert, ist das gute alte #NewPipe. Ist jetzt keine neue Erkenntnis, aber die schaffen es offenbar verlässlich, sehr zeitnah das Katz-undMaus-Spiel gegen YT zu gewinnen. Vorausgesetzt man bezieht die App über das eigene F-droidrepo:
For the former, there's also #NewPipe, which can show #Peertube videos as well as YT: