Beiträge, die mit petrasaustrevicius getaggt sind
EU urges release of official detained in Belarus – POLITICO #AlexanderLukashenko #Belarus #Elections #HumanRights #Intelligence #IntelligenceServices #KajaKallas #Media #MEPs #PetrasAuštrevičius #Policy #Security #services
EU urges release of official detained in Belarus – POLITICO
According to one EU official, Khilo is expected to stand trial on Dec. 23, while a second official said he faces a sentence of between four and 12 years.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe) EU urges release of official detained in Belarus – POLITICO #AlexanderLukashenko #belarus #elections #HumanRights #intelligence #IntelligenceServices #KajaKallas #media #MEPS #PetrasAuštrevičius #policy #security #Services
EU urges release of official detained in Belarus – POLITICO - EUROPE SAYS
According to one EU official, Khilo is expected to stand trial on Dec. 23, while a second officialEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)