Beiträge, die mit teams getaggt sind
Die lokale Online-Plattform Meissen News lädt zu einem Wahlforum per Video vor der Bundestagswahl ein. Bei PoliTalk sprechen die Vertreter von CDU, AfD, FDP und Grüne am 13. Februar von 19 bis 21 Uhr über ihre Pläne. #Wahlforum #Bundestagswahl 2025 #Wahlkreis 154 #Direktkandidaten Meißen #Teams
Ist #KI nicht ein Umverteilungsprogramm von unten nach oben? Und machen wir nicht alle freiwillig mit, wenn wir #Teams #Microsoft , mobile Geräte, #ChatGPT benutzen und denken, es wäre kostenlos und Toll für die Reichweite? Einige verlieren Ihren Job, viele verlieren Ihre Grundrechte und haben es selbst zugelassen! Zudem, #KI wird massiv zum #Krieg eingesetzt!
IT-Technologien könnten aus Gaza-Krieg Präzedenzfall machen
Israels Vorgehen in Gaza markiert einen historischen Wendepunkt in der Kriegsführung: Erstmals wird ein militärischer Konflikt massiv durch KI und Cloud-Dienste befeuert. Neue Recherchen enthüllen dazu
The more I use #Matrix, the more I'm puzzled why it isn't mainstream just yet. It can literally take the place of anything - any messaging/phone call/video call apps like #WhatsApp or #Telegram, group chats (even with screensharing) like #Discord, #Teamspeak, #Slack, or #Teams - all of that and it might even be more secure (or private) than something like #Signal since you don't even need a phone number to sign up. All you need to do to get on board is to register an account on an instance (of which you could even stand one up yourself), and use the service on a good app - #Element and #ElementX seem to be the best on desktop and mobile respectively. If you don't fancy installing an app, you could even use it on the web - something you couldn't even do on Signal.
I like it so much, and I think it should be mainstream so much, that I had just updated my resume to replace my phone number with a Matrix link instead lol - and I feel much better not having my (work) number displayed in public. Idk if that'd be an issue (i.e. for a recruiter), but meh, the link even takes you to a pretty portal (stood up by the Matrix instance) that tells the reader how to reach me (i.e. app options they could launch/install, etc.). All in all, I'm so, so, so SORRY for thinking Matrix is just what #FOSS/#Linux nerds use to be different (to be private, really) when really, it's just a really cool communication protocol/service EVERYONE should use - not freakin' WhatsApp or #iMessage (I see you, Americans).
I like it so much, and I think it should be mainstream so much, that I had just updated my resume to replace my phone number with a Matrix link instead lol - and I feel much better not having my (work) number displayed in public. Idk if that'd be an issue (i.e. for a recruiter), but meh, the link even takes you to a pretty portal (stood up by the Matrix instance) that tells the reader how to reach me (i.e. app options they could launch/install, etc.). All in all, I'm so, so, so SORRY for thinking Matrix is just what #FOSS/#Linux nerds use to be different (to be private, really) when really, it's just a really cool communication protocol/service EVERYONE should use - not freakin' WhatsApp or #iMessage (I see you, Americans).