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Beiträge, die mit ursulakleguin getaggt sind

Was once again reminded of Ursula K. Leguin's daily schedule, and why this woman was an icon on every single level.

#UrsulaKLeguin #Books #Bookstodon #book #Writing #WritingCommunity
Ursula Le Guin‘s daily schedule

    5:30 a.m. - wake up and lie there and think.
    6:15 a.m. - get up and eat breakfast (lots).
    7.15 a.m. - get to work writing, writing, writing.
    Noon - lunch.
    1:00-3:00 p.m. - reading, music.
    3:00-5:00 p.m. correspondence, maybe house cleaning.
    5:00-8:00 p.m. make dinner and eat it.
    After 8:00 p.m. - I tend to be very stupid and we won't talk about this.

This was Le Guin's daily schedule first appeared in an interview she gave in 1988 (and more recently reappeared in Ursula Le Guin: The Last Interview and Other Conversations).