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Beiträge, die mit NZpol getaggt sind

The legacy of Māori political leader Dame Tariana Turia https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/te-manu-korihi/538083/obit-dame-tariana-turia-has-died
'Dame Tariana was the minister for Whānau Ora from 2010 until 2014. Whānau Ora was created under her oversight as a means for the government funding and supporting kaupapa Māori providers to deliver services to Māori in an attempt to address systemic inequalities.
She was also instrumental in establishing New Zealand's Smokefree 2025 goal.' #nzpol #nzlaw #health #IndigenousIP

Al Jazeera – Breaking News, World News and Video from Al Jazeera
New Zealand sacks diplomat who questioned Trump’s understanding of WWII

Pathetic. We Downunderers should be sticking it right up these fascist fools, not pandering to them.

#auspol #nzpol #uspol #TuckFrump

If #Europe wants the US to stop undermining #Ukraine, then the #EU should partner with the Commonwealth, and all other willing democracies or major trading partners, to enact coordinated conditional Magnitsky-inspired sanctions on Musk and Musk-aligned US (and other aligned) oligarchs and their companies: support Ukraine and do not support Russia, or have assets frozen and receive no revenue from within the entire block.
#ukpolitics #auspol #nzpol #cdnpoli

I wonder if citizens of #NewZealand #Australia #UK and #Canada are aware that as #5Eyes partners #ElonMusk and his pubescent agents of chaos, courtesy of #DonaldTrump probably now have access to all your personal data? 🤔

“One eye to rule them all, one eye to find them, one eye to bring them all and in the darkness bind them”.

#UKPol #AusPol #NZPol #CDNpoli #CdnPol
An image of the Eye of Sauron from the movie Lord of the Rings

You know when our #NZPol government doesn’t support the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, #ICC the world’s highest court, #NewZealand is being governed by criminals.

That’s it, that’s the #toot.

So the people that revenge-voted against Harris on the question of Palestine...now get to witness the obliteration of #gaza and say hello to The Gaza Hilton. #USPol #auspol #NZpol

If it were up to me all war criminals should be refused entry into #NewZealand. If you have committed a serious criminal offence you would expect to be refused entry into either NZ or USA. I have no idea why #WarCrimes should be exempt in NZ unless of course our government is complicit in these crimes against humanity. #NZPol #Israel #USPol #TedCruz



Convicted former #ACT President has lost his right to name supression and Tim Jago has been named for his conviction of sexual offending against boys.
This is the man who had his trial delayed until after the 2023 #NZPol election after complaints from #ACT and #Seymour that public knowledge of this mans sexual offending could affect the election result. #CoalitionOfCorruption


This is how we stand up to and combat #musk and the oligarch cabal; collective action with integrity. #USPol #auspol #nzpol

Nelson City council has voted (albeit not unanimously) to boycott businesses which do business in illegal Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories.

It joins Environment Canterbury and Christchurch City councils in doing so.


#NZPol #Palestine

The start of Winston's excuse for pulling the plug and causing a snap election instead of handing over DPM?

Opposition parties be prepared for that.


National: We'll just have to learn to live with it,. Can you show the economic benefits of putting it out?



With Govt funding only being given to science that has a proven economic benefit. I just want to point out that any work on curing/tracking/eliminating bird flu in NZ had ZERO economic benefit UNTIL it got here. NOW it'd have a huge economic benefit.


David Seymour, who denies having ANY links to the ATLAS network, seen below at a meeting of ATLAS groups.

and our media is almost completely silent about it.



As an extension of a group project, David Seymour (Frontier Center for Public Policy, Canada), Biljana Janeva (OHRID Institute, Macedonia), Rosamaria Bitetti (lstituto Bruno Leoni, Italy), and Arpita Nepal Samriddhi (The Prosperity Foundation, Nepal) com- posed a song about school choice to celebrate Milton Friedmar Legacy Day. They enlisted help from Atlas’s Brad Lips (guitar) and Stephanie Giovanetti (backing vocals)

I just wrote to the PM to tell him:
- how disappointed I am about his handling of the Treaty Principles Bill & the Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti.
- that he cannot hide behind MMP when he negotiated the deal & accepted the bill (& the fallout) as a price to become PM.
- that he needs to do better for Māori
- that he will forever be remembered as the PM who didn't have the courage to face a crowd of 40,000 Kiwis who united to tell the govt they're wrong!

Maybe you can write him, too?

One last photo to share. I am home now after the train home was completely packed. My biggest observation today was how many young people, children, teenagers were there. So many. (You can see a number of school children in the foreground of the photo.) And my guess is that none of them will forget today. Today was the best lesson ever! They will all feel empowered, stronger and more united than ever.

#Hīkoi #NZPol #HīkoiMōTeTiriti #ToitūTeTiriti
A colour photo of a very large crowd outside of Parliament.

People may die for lack of a decent hospital in Dunedin, but thank goodness landlords got their $3 billion handout. #nzpol

Trump Administration skipping the security in security clearance for selective members.

Four out of Five Eyes members on notice future heads of US justice and intelligence depts are a clear and present intelligence threat.



#auspol #nzpol #ukpol #canpol #uspol

Watch: Haka interrupts vote for the Treaty Principles Bill

Toitū Te Tiriti !!!!!


#NZPol #ToitūTeTiriti

Considering an estimated 80% of NZ gang members are survivors of abuse in state care indicates the hypocrisy of this #NZPol government.
Targeting gang patches rather than working to support gang members improve their lives and prospects makes the apology from #Luxon and his vindictive coalition a meaningless insult and a commitment to continuing the cycle of state violence. #Shame

A summary of our dialogue on intellectual property, sustainable innovation, and the SDGs at the Victoria University of Wellington with Professors Jessica Lai Susy Frankel and Christian Schott https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/law/centres/nzciel/events/reports/2024/seminar-on-intellectual-property-sustainable-innovation-and-the-sdgs #SDGS #IP #2030Agenda #nzlaw #nzpol Our collection co-edited by Bita Amani and Caroline B Ncube has been published by Edward Elgar Publishing https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollbook/book/9781803925233/9781803925233.xml #sustainability

It was interesting to see EPIC Innovation in Christchurch. It was initially established as an early disaster recovery project to house local Canterbury businesses displaced by the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. The public-private partnership has since evolved into a collaborative innovation ecosystem, with a range of tenants and visitors https://epicinnovation.co.nz/ #innovationspaces #Nzpol #disasterrecovery #innovation #makerspaces
Innovation Hub

'Driving measures through the House of Representatives by excessive use of urgency demeans Parliament and damages our democratic fabric.' Geoffrey Palmer https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/08/23/geoffrey-palmer-lurching-towards-constitutional-impropriety/ #nzlaw #nzpol

Chumbawamba not happy about Winston Peters’ use of ‘Tubthumping’ https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/19-03-2024/chumbawamba-not-happy-about-winston-peters-use-of-tubthumping #copyright #music #economicrights #moralrights #nzlaw #nzpol

Changes around Māori language come into focus as New Zealand government approaches 100-day milestone https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-03/maori-language-changes-nz-government-first-100-days/103425146 #nzpol #nzlaw #IndigenousIP #TreatyofWaitangi

Whakaari White Island case ends with five guilty parties sentenced over deadly volcano disaster https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-01/whakaari-white-island-sentences-handed-down-in-nz/103520628 via @ABCaustralia #nzlaw #nzpol #OHS

'The new government recently announced it would dial back the use of Māori language in government organisations, and scrap anti-smoking legislation and the Māori Health Authority at a time when health issues, including lung cancer, disproportionately impact Māori.' https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/05/new-zealand-protest-thousands-maori-government-policies #nzpol #nzlaw #health #IndigenousIP