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Beiträge, die mit Cruelty getaggt sind

"And more alarming: Asked for good ways to run a country, 42 percent of those 18 to 35 globally believe the answer is 'army rule' and 32 percent of that age group believe it’s 'leaders who do not bother with parliaments or elections.'”

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future

"An average of 86 percent of the global respondents said it is important to them to live in a country that is democratically governed, yet only 80 percent of Americans did. That put America in the bottom five of thirty countries, below Turkey, China, India, Egypt and Mexico, to name just a few.

Just 57 percent of 18- to 35-year-olds said democracy is preferable to any other form of government; 71 percent of older respondents said the same."

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future

And a Jewish American voice, Steven Beschloss:

"Now we have more evidence that the appeal of authoritarianism is on the rise, in America as well as globally."

He cites a poll last year by Open Society Foundations polling 36,000 people in 30 countries, which finds commitment to democracy strong but waning globally.

Two key findings that bode ominously for the future of democracy in America:

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future


From Wajahat Ali, son of Pakistani immigrants:

"We knew exactly what we were getting. And despite everything he’s done, millions of Americans would rather have a cruel, aging vulgarian than a competent Black woman become President. This is more a revelation of their lack of character than anything else. They chose to vote for him. No one forced them to do it."

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future


And from Black historian Jemar Tisby:

"I find most of the postmortem pontificating about why Democrats lost the presidential election unpersuasive.

The reason, not the only one but a major one, Democrats lost the presidential election is disinformation and misinformation super-charged by billionaires and Russia through a network of right-wing media outlets and institutions."

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future


"He will be president again because he, and perhaps he alone, saw us for how truly base, depraved, and uninformed we are as a country. Trump is not a root cause of our ills. He did not create the conditions that allowed him to rise. He is, and always has been, a mirror. He is how America sees itself."

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future

"America did this. America, through the process of a free and fair election, demanded this. America, as an idea, concept, and institution, wanted this. And America, as a collective, deserves to get what it wants. ...

Now that he is here, we deserve our fate, because the most fundamental truth about Trump’s reelection is that Trump was right about us."

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future

Another piece of eloquent testimony from a brilliant Black man that won't be taken seriously by lots of us as we engage in the futile game-playing of the circular firing squad:

"America deserves everything it is about to get. ...

The conversations about who is to blame, the hand-wringing about who showed up and who failed the moment are largely academic and pointless."

~ Elie Mystal

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future


"The fact is, is that they did everything that a campaign can do and more. But we as a country really have a lot of soul searching to do.”

But what Black people have to say isn't really important to a lot of us, right? Never has been. Never has been taken as seriously in the opinion pages of our major media outlets as the verbiage of any white person anywhere. Right? And it's never about racism or misogyny even when it's always about them.

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future

"The unfortunate reality is that this country is still steeped in racism, sexism and misogyny. I am personally proud of her, and I know that so many others are the same. We appreciate her tenacity, her focus, her decency and how she handled herself throughout this campaign. And I don’t want to hear anybody saying that they should have done something different, she should have been running longer."

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future

A large percentage of those gleefully playing this blame game right now, including here on my feed, are white men, young white men at that.

Here's the response of a young Black leader, Baltimore mayor Brandon Scott, to these folks:

"It is really on my heart this morning to say that as a man, but more importantly as a Black man, that this country does not deserve Black women or Black people, but specifically Black women."

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future

It's always so easy to blame women, isn't it? And Black women in particular. That's what's going on right now, of course, in the orgy of recrimination mounted by those blaming Democrats, and a Black woman, Kamala Harris, for the triumph of fascism in the recent election. Blaming Democrats for the free choice of nearly half of our citizens to usher in fascism by electing Trump president….

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future


"Somebody will tell me many of those who voted for it didn't know what they were voting for, and I imagine that's true. I have to say, though, that the ignorance and complacency demonstrated by Republicans and their allies is an ignorance and a complacency so vast and unfeeling that it must be taken as interchangeable with malice. …

I'm disinterested in the usual circular firing squad."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future

"Everything they did was a shitshow and all of it was washed in threats of brutality and malicious lies and promises of retribution and revenge and destruction, none of it offered any solutions that didn't involve hurting lots of people, all its proponents went out of their way to disparage any fine aspiration or principal that anybody, including themselves, has ever claimed to hold. Their standard bearer is a criminal and a rapist. And he won."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future

"Fascism is, it turns out, very popular. It won on Tuesday, seemingly without even having to try. The side that won barely campaigned."

~ A.R. Moxon

But the problem, let's remind ourselves, is the Democratic party. The problem is not the voters who, told that one party will usher in fascism, went right ahead and voted for that party — choosing to usher in fascism.

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future


A photo by Dorothea Lange of Kimiko Kitagaki, tagged and numbered like the luggage surrounding her, as she and other Japanese Americans awaited their forced removal to an internment camp for Japanese Americans, most of them citizens, in World War II. The photo is in the National Archives, and is available for sharing online at Wikimedia Commons.

It CAN happen here. It HAS happened. And we refuse to learn from our barbarism in the past.

#fascism #cruelty #USA

A photo by Dorothea Lange of Kimiko Kitagaki, tagged and numbered like the luggage surrounding her, as she and other Japanese Americans awaited their forced removal to an internment camp for Japanese Americans, most of them citizens, in World War II.

You could turn away from the ritualized humiliation, or you could look at it straight on and say, “I would never let that happen to me.” …you could repeat this refrain with a fervency to mask your fear. You would know on a gut level that your story would never be viewed with sympathy… Sympathy was reserved for only the most virtuous victims—and even then, they always implied, it must have been the victim’s fault.
—Sarah Kendzior, Hiding in Plain Sight
#crime #cruelty

“The Madison Square Garden rally, the increasingly unhinged speeches, the shocking vulgarity on full display—it was all there for everyone to see.

And, more than 50% of Americans saw it and said that’s exactly what they wanted.

I don’t have numbers yet, but I anticipate the white evangelical vote will be over 80%, white Catholic and mainline over 60%.”

~ Kristin Du Mez

#fascism #future #cruelty #Christians
