Beiträge, die mit superbowl getaggt sind
I *think* I have finally eradicated the last link out to Twitter from the images & anims on my website. It has taken AGES because I had not been sensible about how they went in, so had to go through in turn to remove & rephrase things.
I deleted everything from Twitter a wee while ago, so this has been pending as I hate dead links.
Anyhow. DONE. Huzzah.
Decided to celebrate with a #superbOwl before remembering I can't really draw owls 😆
Beim Super Bowl kämpfen die Kansas City Chiefs und die Philadelphia Eagles heute um den Titel in der Football-Liga. Wer jetzt noch ein Ticket will, zahlt mindestens 3.000 Dollar. Doch vielen ist es das wert. Von K. Brand.
#USA #SuperBowl
Advertisers are paying $8,000,000 for a 30 second TV ad on Sunday's Super Bowl between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs.
Will you be watching?
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #superbowl #NewOrleans
Google wirbt zum Super Bowl mit einer rührenden Vater-KI-Geschichte
Google rückt dieses Jahr in seinem Super Bowl-Werbespot für das Pixel 9 einen Mann in den Fokus, der sich mithilfe von Gemini Live auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch vorbereitet.Thomas Zick (
It will only ignore the CamelCase if you don't type the hashtag in full, and pick a suggestion instead.
The auto-suggestions are based on what was first typed on that server. It's difficult to have suggestions automated as CamelCase because the same string can split many ways (#SuperBowl and #SuperbOwl).