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Beiträge, die mit KOREA getaggt sind

https://www.bytesde.com/624093/ Öffentliche Ausschreibungen für den Präsidenten. Yoons Rücktritt dauert am zweiten Tag #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Öffentliche Ausschreibungen für den Präsidenten. Yoons Rücktritt dauert am zweiten Tag

https://www.bytesde.com/623955/ Armeechef Park bot nach Aufhebung des Kriegsrechts seinen Rücktritt an #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Armeechef Park bot nach Aufhebung des Kriegsrechts seinen Rücktritt an

Probably a tad too soon but had to share 😉 https://www.byteseu.com/532146/ #Korea #SouthKorea
Probably a tad too soon but had to share 😉

https://www.bytesde.com/623671/ Yoon lehnt Rücktritt des Armeechefs nach Aufhebung des Kriegsrechts ab #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Yoon lehnt Rücktritt des Armeechefs nach Aufhebung des Kriegsrechts ab

https://www.bytesde.com/623551/ Bloomberg: DP-Chef drängt auf Amtsenthebung des Präsidenten. Yoon diese Woche in „State of Flux“ #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Bloomberg: DP-Chef drängt auf Amtsenthebung des Präsidenten. Yoon diese Woche in „State of Flux“

https://www.bytesde.com/623412/ Das Kriegsrecht löst landesweite Anti-Yoon-Proteste aus #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Das Kriegsrecht löst landesweite Anti-Yoon-Proteste aus

"South Korean police are investigating President Yoon Suk Yeol for alleged "insurrection" over his declaration of martial law." (BBC)

I'm fairly certain I saw pictures (just a few) of the South Korean police more than ready and willing to enforce Yoon's martial law decree...

"But how will it pan out?" (BBC)

I think I just answered that...

#korea #southkorea

https://www.bytesde.com/623298/ KOSPI fiel am Donnerstag um 0,90 % #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
KOSPI fiel am Donnerstag um 0,90 %

Good morning. It's 6AM, Thursday, 5th December. The headlines: Political upheaval in South #Korea escalates with the opposition seeking President Yoon's impeachment, while demands for his resignation grow and the defence secretary resigns. In #France, Prime Minister #Barnier's #government falls after a no-confidence vote. #Scotland is contemplating scrapping the two-child limit on benefits. #SouthKorea #BBC #News

https://www.bytesde.com/623085/ PPP-Vorsitzender verspricht, Yoons Amtsenthebung zu verhindern #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
PPP-Vorsitzender verspricht, Yoons Amtsenthebung zu verhindern

Organizer Song Dae-Han of International Strategy Center, No Cold War Collective describes massive public and political response in National Assembly in Seoul to Yoon’s declaration of martial law. Activist Christine Ahn, Director of Women Cross DMZ, Korea Peace Now describes Yoon’s failure to govern motivating response to martial law. #Korea #activism #martiallaw #dissent #impeachment https://www.democracynow.org/2024/12/4/korea_coup

Why Did No One Think to Invite Jong Un to the Party in Seoul?? That’s very inconsiderate, guys… https://www.byteseu.com/530859/ #Korea #SouthKorea
Why Did No One Think to Invite Jong Un to the Party in Seoul?? That's very inconsiderate, guys...

https://www.bytesde.com/622177/ Der stellvertretende Premierminister verspricht Anstrengungen zur Lösung der wirtschaftlichen Unsicherheit #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Der stellvertretende Premierminister verspricht Anstrengungen zur Lösung der wirtschaftlichen Unsicherheit

https://www.bytesde.com/622038/ Besuch des schwedischen Premierministers aufgrund des Kriegsrechts verschoben #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Besuch des schwedischen Premierministers aufgrund des Kriegsrechts verschoben

'all members of South Korea’s National Assembly, which Yoon had 'shut down', voted to reverse Yoon’s edict.

Yoon (might have declared) martial law because the public momentum to impeach him in #SouthKorea was gaining ground.

👉Yoon is despised by South Koreans👈 for his abuse of power, his wife’s corruption and his vitiation of South #Korea’s sovereignty and economic wellbeing to serve U.S. geopolitical interest...'

South Korea’s 6-Hour Martial Law


https://www.bytesde.com/621759/ 6 Oppositionsparteien stellen Antrag auf Amtsenthebung Yoons #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
6 Oppositionsparteien stellen Antrag auf Amtsenthebung Yoons

It's sad that such a person got in the position of being #president ... But I'm actually so impressed with the courage of the #korean people standing up against the military (peacefully) and enabling democratic institutions to function.

And of course I'm so happy that the military also has a competent leadership that didn't escalate the situation.

It appears to me that #southkore is a flourishing democracy. 1:0 for #humanity

#korea #south_korea #martialLaw

https://www.bytesde.com/621614/ Regierungsbeamter: Präs. Yoons gesamtes Kabinett bietet Rücktritt an #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Regierungsbeamter: Präs. Yoons gesamtes Kabinett bietet Rücktritt an

https://www.bytesde.com/621461/ Opposition stellt Antrag auf Amtsenthebung des Präsidenten. Yoon nach der Kriegsrechtserklärung #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Opposition stellt Antrag auf Amtsenthebung des Präsidenten. Yoon nach der Kriegsrechtserklärung

https://www.bytesde.com/621285/ Arbeitsgruppe führt unbefristeten Streik durch, bis Yoon zurücktritt #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Arbeitsgruppe führt unbefristeten Streik durch, bis Yoon zurücktritt

https://www.bytesde.com/621145/ PPP nähert sich Konsens über Rücktritt des Kabinetts, uneinig darüber, ob Yoon ausgeschlossen werden soll #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
PPP nähert sich Konsens über Rücktritt des Kabinetts, uneinig darüber, ob Yoon ausgeschlossen werden soll

Can someone find the guy who did this and send this gif to him??? https://www.byteseu.com/528871/ #Korea #SouthKorea
Can someone find the guy who did this and send this gif to him???

https://www.bytesde.com/621022/ OECD senkt Prognose für südkoreanische Wirtschaft im Jahr 2024 auf 2,3 % #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
OECD senkt Prognose für südkoreanische Wirtschaft im Jahr 2024 auf 2,3 %

https://www.bytesde.com/620882/ Oppositionelle DP reicht Amtsenthebungsantrag gegen Verteidigungsminister ein #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Oppositionelle DP reicht Amtsenthebungsantrag gegen Verteidigungsminister ein

"Not much of a martial law, just right for not much of a president"

#korea #southkorea #martiallaw #winniethepooh #memes

https://www.bytesde.com/620760/ Südkoreas Jang-Making-Tradition wurde in die Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes der UNESCO aufgenommen #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Südkoreas Jang-Making-Tradition wurde in die Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes der UNESCO aufgenommen

https://www.bytesde.com/620422/ Generalsekretär der Nationalversammlung: Rund 280 bewaffnete Kriegsrechtstruppen drangen illegal in das Parlament ein #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Generalsekretär der Nationalversammlung: Rund 280 bewaffnete Kriegsrechtstruppen drangen illegal in das Parlament ein

Where Yoon Suk Yeol made mistake?

He should have watched 2016 coup in Turkey. You can't take full control with name of yours. You should call your friends to do it. Then control should be handed to you. In scenario of fail, then you will be a hero. Either way, you win.

#coup #coupdetat #southkorea #korea #yoon #yoonsukyeol #martial #martiallaw #fail #democracy

Kudos to the Korean constitution https://www.byteseu.com/527882/ #Korea #SouthKorea
Kudos to the Korean constitution

https://www.bytesde.com/620223/ Wichtigste Oppositionspartei erhebt Anklage wegen Hochverrats gegen Präsident Yoon, Verteidigungs- und Innenminister #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Wichtigste Oppositionspartei erhebt Anklage wegen Hochverrats gegen Präsident Yoon, Verteidigungs- und Innenminister

ㅈㅈ 입니다 https://www.byteseu.com/527542/ #Korea #SouthKorea
ㅈㅈ 입니다

https://www.bytesde.com/620112/ Yoons leitende Mitarbeiter bieten wegen der Kriegsrechtserklärung an, en masse zurückzutreten #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Yoons leitende Mitarbeiter bieten wegen der Kriegsrechtserklärung an, en masse zurückzutreten

RaiNews by undefined
Che cosa è successo in Corea del Sud: la legge marziale, i soldati in Parlamento, la folla in piazza

Ore di caos a Seul dopo l'annuncio a sorpresa del presidente sudcoreano Yoon

What happened in South Korea: martial law, soldiers in Parliament, crowds in the square.

Chaos in Seoul after the surprise announcement by South Korean President Yoon.

#SouthKorea #Korea #Yoon #Parliament #Seoul #President

https://www.bytesde.com/619958/ Die Umbrella Labour Union fordert das Ende der Yoon-Regierung und erklärt bis dahin einen Generalstreik #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews
Die Umbrella Labour Union fordert das Ende der Yoon-Regierung und erklärt bis dahin einen Generalstreik

Some context for last boost (https://bird.makeup/users/whyyoutouzhele/statuses/1863983048867586453), which says
The Korean film "Seoul Spring" has risen to the number one spot in Weibo's Entertainment Trending Topics.
The film "Seoul Spring" has the English title "12.12: The Day". It is about the military coup in South Korea which took place on December 12, 1979, led by Chun Doo Hwan. It was followed by another coup on May 17, 1980. This was followed by the Gwangju pro-democracy student protests and Gwangju Massacre in May 1980. This was the start of the establishment of Chun Doo Hwan's military dictatorship (not to be confused with the previous Park Chung Hee military dictatorship). The term Seoul Spring refers to this time period: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seoul_Spring

All of this happened within living memory for many South Koreans. People in their 50s and 60s now were students at the time of the Gwangju Massacre. These events are covered extensively in South Korean popular culture as well, such as the "Seoul Spring" / "12.12: The Day" film, which is one of the most popular films in South Korean film history. The director Kim Sung Soo himself was a student at that time, too:

“That night left a very clear memory. I was getting ready to apply for colleges that winter night when I saw in my own neighborhood an armored military vehicle passing down the street,” Kim tells Variety. “I climbed to the rooftop of my friend’s house and watched the shootout happen for next 30 minutes. I remember listening to the sound of the gunshots running through the night sky. I could not shake the question of why this was happening in my town, in my neighborhood.”
This trending post is on the Chinese social media platform, Weibo, and the screenshot was posted by the overseas dissident "Teacher Li is Not Your Teacher" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teacher_Li_Is_Not_Your_Teacher). His Twitter account has become a de facto hub for distributing uncensored information and news from China over the past few years. For an idea of real social issues in China now, I encourage following his account (replicated at @whyyoutouzhele here on the Fediverse). The posts are all in Chinese but Google Translate is pretty good for getting an idea. Note that there will be disturbing content (for example, images and videos of the random knife / car attacks that have been happening in China recently, such as the attacks in Zhuhai on November 11, 2024).

There are of course many sensitive political events that happened in China in the 1980s as well, the most significant of which is the June 4, 1989 Massacre at Tiananmen Square. That is part of why it is significant that a film about military repression of pro-democracy movements is trending on Weibo, and why Teacher Li is posting about it.

#korea #southkorea #rok #china #prc #history

The martial law has been rejected by the parliament just now https://www.byteseu.com/527217/ #Korea #SouthKorea
The martial law has been rejected by the parliament just now