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Beiträge, die mit Israelwarcrimes getaggt sind

Hadden we anders verwacht van deze massamoordenaar? #IsraelWarCrimes #gaza #westbank

Kabinet Israël tempert verwachtingen over staakt-het-vuren in Gaza https://nos.nl/l/2522816

#Gaza / Israelis Attacking Known Aid Worker Locations

[…] Israel’s attack on April 1 on the World Central Kitchen convoy, which killed seven workers, far from being an isolated “mistake,” is just one of at least eight incidents that Human Rights Watch identified in which aid organizations and UN agencies had communicated with Israeli authorities the GPS coordinates of an aid convoy or premises and yet Israeli forces attacked the convoy or shelter without any warning.

[…] In these eight incidents, Israeli forces killed at least 15 people, including 2 children, and injured at least 16 others.

2. Attack on a Médecins Sans Frontières (#MSF) convoy, November 18, 2023

3. Attack on a guest house of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (#UNRWA), December 9, 2023

4. Attack on an MSF shelter, January 8, 2024

5. Attack on an International Rescue Committee (#IRC) and Medical Aid for Palestinians (#MAP) guest house, January 18, 2024

6. Attack on an UNRWA convoy, February 5, 2024

7. Attack on an MSF guest house, February 20, 2024

8. Attack on a home sheltering an American Near East Refugee Aid Organization (#Anera) employee, March 8, 2024


@israel #IsraelWarCrimes #Gaza
A damaged truck with a tarp covering its cargo area, parked on a paved surface under a cloudy sky. Debris is scattered around the truck.

#Gaza / Spain denies port call for ship carrying arms to Israel

[…] "We have detected this ship, we have refused to allow it to dock, and I can tell you that this will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying Israeli arms and arms cargo that wants to dock in Spanish ports," Albares told reporters in Brussels.


#Israel #israelWarCrimes #Gaza