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Beiträge, die mit 972mag getaggt sind

Ahmed Ahmed in #972mag: https://www.972mag.com/israel-storms-northern-gazas-last-hospital

Jeremy Corbyn's words on these attacks say it all.

"Israel has destroyed the last remaining hospital in northern Gaza.

We have witnessed the total decimation of Palestinian healthcare, met with silence from political leaders who refuse to acknowledge the horrors they have enabled.

This is the dehumanising reality of genocide."

#KamalAdwan #Gaza

Israeli settlers eye land in Syria, Lebanon #972mag

Remember the words that they crossed the line just to keep the peace, or something like that?😇

#Israel #Syria #Settlements
“We have to conquer and destroy. As much as possible, and as quickly as possible,” wrote one member of Uri Tsafon — a group founded earlier this year to promote Israeli settlement of southern Lebanon — in the organization’s WhatsApp group. “We need to check according to the new laws in Syria whether Israelis are allowed to invest in real estate and start buying land there,” another member wrote. In another settler WhatsApp group, members shared maps of Syria and tried to identify potential areas for settlement.