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Beiträge, die mit Antifacist getaggt sind

1/6 A thread from a 2008 book that says things ppl still try to say aren't true or isn't happening. The info has always been there!

"The problem for Zionists is...that the land that they want comes with non-Jews already on it."

Palestine Inside Out by Saree Makdisi

#FreePalestine #humanrights #apartheid #palestine #gaza #westbank #endtheoccupation #sanctionisrael #genocide #antizionist #antifacist #resistance #ceasefire #fromtherivertothesea
@palestine @israel
p13 "At heart, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is actually very simple. It is not about religion. It is not about security. It is not about terrorism. It is about land. Or, to be more precise, it is a struggle that, as the late Israeli sociologist Baruch Kimmerling put it, is driven by two mutually exclusive impulses within Zionism, with "one Zionist imperative--to possess the largest possible amount of sacred land--contradicting the other Zionist imperative--to ensure a massive Jewish majority inhabiting a land that was preferably free of all Arabs." The problem for Zionists is--and has always been--that the land that they want comes with non-Jews already on it."