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Beiträge, die mit COINTELPRO getaggt sind

From Chapter 8 of #KleeBenally's book, #NoSpiritualSurrender - #IndgenousAnarchy, #InDefenseOfTheSacred:

"In the book #LakotaWoman, #MaryCrowDog and #RichardErdoes
shared this prophetic quote by #AnnaMaeAquash in 1975,

'[The FBI] offered me my freedom and money if I’d testify the way they wanted. I have those two choices now. I chose my kind of freedom, not their kind, even if I have to die. They let me go because they are sure I’ll lead them to Peltier. They’re watching me. I don’t hear them or see them, but I know they’re out there somewhere. I can feel it.' "

Page 181, #KleeBenally, #NoSpiritualSurrender

#FreeLeonardPeltier #AnnaMaePictouAquash
#ACAB #AIM #AmericanIndianMovement
#AmnestyForLeonardPeltier #MMIW #FBI #COINTELPRO

From Chapter 8 of #KleeBenally's book, #NoSpiritualSurrender - #IndgenousAnarchy, #InDefenseOfTheSacred:

[More from Billie Pierre's 2006 article] "Pierre also addressed how #COINTELPRO operated at the time:

"'This tactic of the FBI’s Counter-intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) undermined valuable members of a group by casting them in suspicious situations. Wherever Pictou-Aquash went, arrests would follow. She’d be released, while other AIM members were slapped with charges and high bail. In September 1975, FBI Agent David Price attempted to force her to sign an affidavit implicating Peltier for the murder of the two FBI agents. She refused to cooperate, and Price promised her that she wouldn’t live to see the year’s end. They quickly arranged for her to be buried as a Jane Doe. After this cover-up came to light, the FBI released a statement announcing that Pictou-Aquash was not a government informant. As intended, this statement insinuated that AIM might have believed Pictou-Aquash to be an informant and murdered her.'"

Page 181, #KleeBenally, #NoSpiritualSurrender

#FreeLeonardPeltier #AnnaMaeAquash #AnnaMaePictouAquash #ACAB #AIM #AmericanIndianMovement #AmnestyForLeonardPeltier #MMIW

[Thread] From Chapter 8 of #KleeBenally's book, #NoSpiritualSurrender - #IndgenousAnarchy, #InDefenseOfTheSacred:

The AIM Song of Anguish

"Though my family was skeptical of, and kept AIM at a distance, I grew up singing the AIM song. I've sung it at actions throughout the world, my grandma Roberta would always want to sing it, her barely audible voice at the drum belying her fierce power, I've sung it with both #RussellMeans (confronting the racist #ColumbusDay parade in Denver) and with #DennisBanks (too many times to recall) and faceless and nameless warriors on many frontlines. Though its provenance is not known, the story I recall that it was spiritual gift to rally AIM warrior during the liberation of #WoundedKnee.

"In analyzing #IndigenousPower and #DirectAction, it's vital to examine the context of strategies, tactics, and State repression that comprises the ongoing legality of #IndigenousResistance, particularly with the historically vital force of the American Indian Movement (AIM).

"Though there are many examples, #LeonardPeltier's false imprisonment for the alleged murder of two #FBI agents in 1975 and the clouded assassination of #AnnaMaePictouAquash are important markers.

"Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash, a strong #Mikmaq warrior with AIM, was found murderd in 1974 in Wanblee on the #PineRidge reservation in 'South Dakota'. Pictou-Aquash is also a symbol of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women [#MMIW], Girls, Trans, and #TwoSpirit movement today.

"Accusations of her murder first pointed to the FBI and later, as AIM members revealed how paranoia of infiltrators had gripped the leadership intensely, rumors surfaced that AIM had her killed. This was a time when bad-jacking (making someone look like a snitch or informant even though they aren't) tactics by feds as part of #COINTELPRO was proving to be an effective tactic against revelutionary groups."

Pages 179-180, #KleeBenally, #NoSpiritualSurrender

#CorporateColonialism #FreeLeonardPeltier #AnnaMaePictouAquash #AnnaMaeAquash #ACAB

The estate of Malcolm X has filed a lawsuit against the United States Government, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the New York Police Department. The lawsuit alleges these entities played a significant role in the events leading to Malcolm X’s assassination and engaged in a decades-long cover-up to shield their involvement from the public #MalcomX #cointelpro #SocialJustice #AttorneyBenCrump https://bencrump.com/press/national-civil-rights-attorney-ben-crump-files-lawsuit-against-the-doj-fbi-cia-and-nypd-on-behalf-of-malcolm-x/

From 2022: #ColoradoSprings Cops Attempt to Entrap #Activists: Denver Spy Files Revealed Police Spying for a Decade

by #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, March 10, 2022

"An undercover, pink-haired undercover cop in Colorado Springs, attempted to create crimes, and ensnare activists in illegal firearms purchases. Even a #MutualAid group was targeted. This current case in Colorado is a reminder of how Denver cops spied on everyone who supported #BigMountain, #Peltier and #AIM, in the 1990s. Even a grandmother with a Peltier bumper sticker and their attorneys were followed. The documents came out during discovery during a court case.

"The current Colorado Springs covert operation reveals how undercover cops target organizers, and attempt to entrap them, including those in #BlackLivesMatter, and shows that #COINTELPRO continues."


#FreeLeonardPeltier #AmnestyForLeonardPeltier #BigMountainResistance #AmericanIndianMovement #FBI #ACAB #SpyingOnActivists #WaterProtectors #CriminalizingDissent