Beiträge, die mit DigitalInclusion getaggt sind
50+ Digital - where the least connected #OlderPeople get the most attention.
Think of us as a loosely-knit real-world social network with a grassroots physical base. It’s a place where everyone is valued for who they are, and who they have been. It’s all free, and we never ask for ID.
Every week: 7 hours digital drop-in and learning, with volunteer support.
#SocialInclusion #DigitalInclusion #Hackney #Haringey #Islington #London #Volunteering
50+ Digital - where the least connected #OlderPeople get the most attention.
Think of us as a loosely-knit real-world social network with a grassroots physical base. It’s a place where everyone is valued for who they are, and who they have been. It’s all free, and we never ask for ID.
Every week: 7 hours digital drop-in and learning, with volunteer support.
#SocialInclusion #DigitalInclusion #Hackney #Haringey #Islington #London #Volunteering
Social and digital inclusion in the real world
Older people challenging isolation and loneliness in our communities - using digital tech as a launchpad for inclusion and cohesion in the real world around us.Fifty-Plus Digital