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Beiträge, die mit Februaryalbumwritingmonth getaggt sind

🎶 Weekly challenge time: Write your PERSONAL SOUNDTRACK! 🎬

Whether it's a life-defining anthem, day-in-the-life “montage” music, or a moment's vibe, capture a part of you in song. 🌟

Think "Tapestry" (Carole King) or "Life is a Highway" (Tom Cochrane).

What's your theme song? 🎧

#FAWM #FAWMChallenge #FebruaryAlbumWritingMonth #SongwritingChallenge #PersonalSoundtrack
Illustration of a Mix Tape

So, nochmal einen kleinen Spaziergang und dann gehts los mit dem ersten #skirmish - einer einstündigen Liedschreibe-Challenge beim #FAWM (Februar Album Writing Month)
Hallo Februar!
Das Ergebnis gibts auch für meine Patrons... :)

Morgen dann der Spaziergang gegen den Faschismus - wir sehen uns in Leipzig!

#noafd #nocdu #gegendenfaschismus #FebruaryAlbumWritingMonth

Happy February! As of yesterday I have a new novel well under way and four stories out on submission (for the first time in years). So, I feel pretty okay about replacing my writing head with my music head and jumping into #FAWM for the next 28 days.

Ach, who am I kidding, I'm going to be attempting both, amn't I?
#music #songwriting #februaryalbumwritingmonth #writing

I felt loopy today, so I checked my instruments before FAWM begins.They seem OK and almost in tune. Now I can go and wash my hair :)

Happy FAWM to all who take part and all the best to folks in Germany who go to the annual demonstrations for Democracy, Humanity and against RightExtremism in next days!


#Guitar #Zither #Hackbrett #HammeredDulcimer #Duduk #Clarineau #Loopstation #FAWM #Germany #Februaryalbumwritingmonth #MusicalInstrument #Democracy #Humanism #Walz #Loop